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About .45

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    On the Coast
  1. Cleared up, the admin found some strange stuff in the logs which proved his hacking and some other players posted video of some other strange behaviuor which sealed the deal. Another cheater banned! Thanks for the responses guys
  2. Today(around 13.00 BST, also my timezone) on Stuart Halliday's WALKING DEID private hive server a player, Ruben, teleported beside me in a 4x4 offroad truck then started accusing me of teleporting him and his friend in the truck to my location. I was in the middle of putting out a fire when they popped out of nowhere and crashed into a tree right behind me. There was only myself and 3 other players on at the time, 1 other guy who I know doesn't hack, Ruben and his friend Razak who I'm pretty sure doesn't hack but seems to be comfortable to take advantage of Ruben's hacking. Anyways, I know this guy is hacking as there are way too many stories of him appearing out of nowhere to kill people who believe they are well hidden besides having done it to me twice now. When he hasn't been seen, he's the only player who's been on the server the same time everyone of these incidents have happened. He's relying on people believing it was a glitch to hide his hacking so what I want to know is is it ever possible for a glitch to teleport 2 people in a vehicle across the map or is this a blatant lie...?
  3. Personally I think the best way to combat hackers would be to have a 24hr online police force who are on call to monitor servers for hackers and globally ban them immediately upon detection. Maybe this would only be on private pay to play servers without dev support but I think with official backing by devs with the tools to make this more effective and possible across all servers would be the best way to go. There are plenty of other games out there that have been blighted by hacking with no effective follow up by devs, it destroys confidence and blackens a games reputation. The question is, would there be enough support from the gaming community for this, would gamers be willing to pay to support an online police force to combat hackers if it guaranteed an almost cheat free gaming experience or at least provided you with the knowledge that something concrete was being done about it...? If Bohemia are quoting €25 for the standalone game, how many of us would be willing to pay €30 to support such a full time police force? If not officially supported by Bohemia, how many would be willing to pay for access to a policed private server?
  4. .45

    Scavenge car parts off other vehicles

    Great idea in principle but being able to remove parts from vehicles will just be another thing for griefers to exploit. Imagine some hacker TPing all over the map removing parts from everyones' vehicles but on the other hand, if it were a case of having to salvage parts for your vehicle from the wrecked vehicles that spawn as obstacles in the road, it could be a case of having to salvage the right parts from the proper vehicles. So you could only get wheels/engine for a Ural from a wrecked Ural, so on and so forth or just keep the simple one size fits all system that we have now. You could even tie that to the difficulty level, one size fits all for recruit, class appropriate for regular(sedan/off road/truck) and keep the unique parts for veteran level.