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About Trazier

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  1. Trazier

    Ban Appeal from US NY 2873

    Same thing happened to me. One of the servers I was playing on was shutting down, so I took the tent stuff I had stashed there, moved to this server because I thought the no nameplating was cool and i'd been here a couple weeks... ...get banned for 'spawning in ammunition'. Because, you know, if you take goods from another server you have them stashed, and bring them to this place, you're a cheating hacker and you're spawning in ammo. How some people ever wind up running servers is beyond me. It seems all the ones i've encountered in the past month were just traps. You spend 3 hours-3 days there, and then get banned for your efforts, after you have things of value there.
  2. There was a time I could say nothing wrong about Vilayer. Then things went wrong. Then when I mentioned the things going wrong, I was promised compensation that was only partially delivered, such as a 2 week credit taking my billing date from the third, to the 14th (instead of the 17th), and a 4 day credit taking my billing date from the 16th, to the 18th, instead of the 20th. On top of that, I was having namalsk issues (The map I signed up with them to play on) and no loot/zombies were spawning, and I was told "We're working on a hotfix ASAP and we'll let you know as soon as it's finished! Just play on another map for the meantime."... And after waiting like 10 days, I wrote them in again, and the reply I got was "Oh, that's been fixed for like a week already!"... so much for letting me know, eh? (This was after I got scolded for 'opening multiple tickets for the same issue', when one issue was my server shut itself down, and the 2nd issue was after that got fixed, the server control panel they provide was totally unresponsive... So I thought i'd do the 'right thing' and not 'open multiple tickets' about the namalsk issue... and I just get f'king forgotten about for trying to be nice about it) I can't say they're the best provider, or the worst provider. I can say they're the ONLY provider i've done business with. That being said, if the level of care I got was considered 'standard/high class' for the industry, I don't think I ever want to deal with another dayZ hosting company again, because it all left a real bitter taste in my mouth.
  3. Trazier

    DayZ Mod Update

    This game is european in origin. Over there, "Z" is said "Zed" not "Zee". So in essence, they are calling them "Z's", just not your american version of "Z's".
  4. Trazier

    Introducing Cifor DayZ Servers

    I really enjoyed this server, despite a couple teleport hacker deaths. I say 'enjoyed' as in past tense, because after spending a couple weeks there, I took one day and spent it cleaning out some tents I had on another public hive that was shutting down, then brought them to this server. Several hours later I got banned for 'spawning in ammunition', so yeah. That's a pile of bullshit so tall you could fertilize the whole country with it.
  5. Heh, it wasn't beeping on startup, It was doing it after 'upgrading' to BE 1.164, when it was at 1.184. I just compared the noise to the noise I do hear on startup, because i've never heard anything else come from the actual computer before. Virus scan said nothing was there though, so... hopefully adding that exception to avira (Which was the virus program everyone having trouble was using) might fix the issue.
  6. It didn't list beclient.dll in the thing though, It said something about Trojan.Stratork or something. Also i've never heard that beeping or gotten that error before. Do you have any idea why my battleye went from 1.184, to 1.164, instead of 1.186? I'm going to try that thing you linked about putting it in as an exception when I get some time to play this afternoon. I just love this game, and i'm so nocturnal since I go me the nightvision FN FAL. Love dat rifle.
  7. Hi, has anyone experienced this? Just yesterday battleye updated from like 1.184 to 1.186, only something went wrong with my update. Something REALLY wrong. Like, it downgraded itself to 1.164, tried to download a trojan virus, and it made my computer beep... like, not put a beep sound out of the speakers, it made THE ACTUAL COMPUTER INSIDE THE BOX BEEP. I've never seen (heard) that before, except when I turn it on, and that's just a 'beep' this is like a little 'boopboopBEEP' noise.... But yeah. Then Avira says i've got some trojan file trying to infect my computer. So now every time I try to connect to a server, the following happens.... Battleye client: Initialized (V1.164) Battleye client: Server requiring version 1.186. Updating... (15 seconds pass) Battleye client: Update completed, restarting... BOOPBOOPBEEP!!! Battleye client up to date: (V1.164) And here come the antivirus warnings about a trojan trying to install itself on my computer. Then if I click OK and join the server, I get on, maybe 20 seconds pass. YOU WERE KICKED OFF THE GAME: BATTLEYE CLIENT FAILED TO UPDATE. So what the frick can I do about this? Since this started happening (I'll point out my game was working FINE until they released battleye 1.186...), I uninstalled Battleye and went to reinstall it from steam. It tells me i'm missing an executable file and to contact steam support... ...getting no answer from them, I deleted arma2, arma2:OA from my computer, then spent the last 3 hours redownloading them all. Turned the game back on.... same shit is happening. Can anyone help me here? I literally pay money for a server I can no longer play on. I can't figure out what's going on, and I don't know what to do about this trojan warning. I feel like someone hacked the battleye updater thing and now it's just trying to stuff a virus in my machine or a keylogger to steal my arma key. Plus the fact that my version went from 1.184, and trying to update to 1.186, it downgraded itself to 1.164, and is now virus laden. Someone help? I'm at the end of my wits here. I have NFClue how i'm supposed to proceed from this point. Any other time i've encountered an issue 'delete everything and reinstall it' has worked, be it broken warcraft, broken everquest, broken league of legends, whatever.... but for some reason that WON'T work on arma/battleye. I'm kind of lost here. I can't even fathom what i'm supposed to do now.
  8. Trazier


    You should try playing league of legends sometime...
  9. Don't ever drive over rails (paved railway crossings where the road crosses the tracks are okay if you GO REALLY SLOW) or bridges on an ATV. When I first rode one, I sped across a bridge at max speed and nothing happened... did it again no problem. Did it a third time and it had a seizure mid air and flipped onto my head... fourth time, I slowed down to a crawl and very carefully edged out onto the bridge, and right at the center it bounced up as if a bomb went off underneath me. Lesson learned, do not EVER EVER cross rails or bridges on an ATV. Go around them or suffer the consequences.
  10. I've experienced this bug before. In all honesty, I find it a welcomed change from seeing 'Trazier was killed' in blue text at the lower left when I log in, then finding myself naked on the shore somewhere (no flashlight, no pack, no painkillers, NOTHING) with my same blood/drink/hunger level as before. _THAT_ bug pisses me off. This bug is kind of comical. I just wish I could bury the clone of me, because it's literally standing up with a gun pointed out, it's not a scarecrow, it's a scaresurvivor. Also, the last time this happened, the fake corpse of me had nothing except my primary weapon. No backpack, no inventory, just a 'dead' me standing up with an mp5 submachine gun.
  11. Date/Time: Friday September 21, 2012 What happened: I got the hero skin, being the medic among my group of friends (and working real hard to get it, no less). It then drained my humanity to zero (Covered this in another thread I don't see, maybe mods didn't approve it yet). I logged out, came here, posted the bug, and on my very next login it instakilled me. I wound up in the debug plains, without my hero skin, and my blood level/hunger/thirst exactly as they were when I logged out (which is to say, not very good for a corpse run) Where you were: Woods outside a town. What you were doing: Logging out to come to these bug forums and post how my hero skin drained my humanity to zero when I hit 5k and earned it. *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: N/A *Your system specs: N/A *Timeline of events before/after error: Got hero skin. Noticed I had zero humanity. Ran around a bit testing the run speed, had my friend shoot me in the chest with his 9mm pistol just to confirm the flak jacket heros get stops low calibre bullets (it did). Lit a fire and sat around it until the shock wore off, stood up, logged off, came to forums to post my humanity was drained to zero. Next login "Character loading...." "Setup complete, please wait..." "Trazier was killed" Chenarus Wilderness Day 0 (pic) Debug plains, someone else with me. It was so dark i couldn't tell. Respawned at drakon with no inventory, no flashlight, no food, no backpack, N O T H I N G
  12. Trazier

    zoom in view jummpy

    If the admins approved this message, then surely it couldn't just be pain which you need painkillers for, right?
  13. Trazier

    Your Final Words Before Death

    I like how around 5 mins in after being all hurt and messed up you're suddenly healed and magically change weapons. Edit: Then I watch the rest of the video, and it seems after dying you magically teleport to someone who's at the airport and grab a weapon and have an encounter with them. Dunno how else a fresh spawn would make it all the way to the airport with full food/drink while not spawning with any. It would be kind of dumb to post video evidence of your own hacking on the DayZ forums if that's what happened here, but I can't find any other way to explain what I saw. Maybe you had the earlier weapon in your ginormous backpack, but I can't explain the fresh spawn at the northeast airfield thing, or the healing.