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Thomas Bean Snacher

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2 Neutral

1 Follower

About Thomas Bean Snacher

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Skype

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  1. Thomas Bean Snacher

    Lookin for a Buddy to Share my Beans with :D

    I'm Glad to see all the replies, just waitin for a few more. :D
  2. Thomas Bean Snacher

    Thank goodness hope is restored

    Haha, Heart warming story XD sadly im not so lucky.
  3. Hi my names Thomas Bean Snatcher, i'm 14 and live in the U.S. So i've been trying to find a nice player to team with, maybe start a group who knows, but every time i find someone worth sharing my beans with he...he gets shot before exchanging skype accounts D,: any ways i'm lookin for a reliable player that will watch my back (and not with a scope) so just fill out the app below and ill message you if you can be my Bean Buddy. Age (have to at least be 13): Skype account name: Dayz Account Name: Mic? (Highly Recommended): How can i trust you?: Why do you want me as a teammate?: Highly lookin forward to the replies, please no trolling! :D