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Andrews RG

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Everything posted by Andrews RG

  1. Andrews RG

    DayZ Youtube Series

    Adventure to devils castle? What an original idea. p.s - there are no original ideas :) Looking forward to your series. I always fail to record the PVP encouters. My FPS drops when I record we can't afford that when shit gets REAL.
  2. Could not believe my luck today. For those of you that have not seen a crashed UHY1 here it is. Time to live in the woods for the next 6 months. Cool dayz background (wallpaper) by -viking Youtube channel here: http://www.youtube.com/user/EvilViking13
  3. Andrews RG

    Found the rarest gun in the game?

    Exactly, good day or night :p
  4. Andrews RG

    Found the rarest gun in the game?

    Ah was being stupid. Got your message and sent a reply. Good luck out there bro.
  5. Andrews RG


    That's some crazy sh*t bro, wish I had the balls to do that with night vision. Very funny video.
  6. Andrews RG

    Found the rarest gun in the game?

    Added bro, thanks a lot and great back ground.
  7. Andrews RG

    Found the rarest gun in the game?

    Gun for those who cannot view video. http://picacid.com/arma2/imgs/BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS.png
  8. Andrews RG

    Found the rarest gun in the game?

    Thanks mate, I've raided the NW Airfield Barracks at night mostly. Had a silenced M4A1 as loot and other rifles. Can't imagine how the zombies react to the sound of a .50cal day or night. I feel always get extra tense there, also sucks killing players because you know they've invested time just to be there. Related.
  9. Andrews RG

    Found the rarest gun in the game?

    Where the hell do you find an M107? I remember hearing one in Cherno early alpha, ran our of town and never looked back!
  10. Andrews RG

    Found the rarest gun in the game?

    It's like thermal = Stalker mod activated. Looking forward to the London server tonight.
  11. Andrews RG

    Found the rarest gun in the game?

    Thanks man, I was uber paranoid while picking that thing up in the open :)
  12. Andrews RG

    L85 A2 AWS

    Confirmed here:
  13. Andrews RG

    How To: Survive the Coast

    Start and move inland, avoid all coastal towns. Do not use main roads, follow the tree line everywhere you go. Avoid open areas.
  14. Andrews RG

    Balota Airstrip Loot Question

    Always seems to be someone watching this place. I steer clear :)
  15. Andrews RG

    The Reality Gaming Chronicles

    Yo fellow badito's! Every friday we arrange a get together at reality gaming and play some DAYZ. Usual involves 10+ members but we are always looking for extra muscle. Here's some videos from our recent missions excursion in the ZONE. Full play list: Devil's Castle is our first friday adventure. Hope you enjoy :) http://www.realitygamer.org
  16. Andrews RG

    The Reality Gaming Chronicles

    Just added the last video to the series of Devil's castle. Enjoy and join us tonight if you want to team up!
  17. Andrews RG

    Widescreen glass

    I always wondered, you can't see thru some glass in first person (veteran) if the glass is shot out too much. It's all white. This must be something that becomes more useful in hardcore mode.
  18. Andrews RG

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    Loving these new changes.