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About dgw1991

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  • Skype

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  1. Wanna find people or starta group to play with on mod servers! Hit me up! Dgw1991 on skype.
  2. Hey guys! Are you interested in a partner or maybe getting a small group together? Playing survival-mod and having to gather all from scratch, getting cars, camps and so on? I've mostly played on vanilla servers, it's funnier starting from absolutly nothing. Hit me up then, I am 23 from Sweden. I am not the to surious kind of guy, but serious enough! I've played for a while, but not a lot lately since I don't find anyone to play with. Skype - dgw1991
  3. Skype: Dgw1991 Age: 21 Mic: yeah On right now: no since its boring playing solo
  4. dgw1991

    Need someone to play with.

    I am 21 from sweden and prefer the survivor style and sneaking. My skype is dgw1991 if it sounds interesting.
  5. I'm 21 from Sweden and I am looking for other players to play with. I've played the game for a while and I know my way around. If it sounds interesting just leave me a msg here with your skype.
  6. Age: 21 from sweden Timezone: UTC/GMT +1 hour Preferred role: ? Skills: I know my way around and have some experience Skype/Steam: dgw1991
  7. 21 from sweden - dgw1991 on skype.
  8. dgw1991

    Looking for Members to a small group

    Skype: dgw1991
  9. Hey, my name is David from Sweden and I am looking for other players to team up with. I've been playing for a while and I know my way around. I use skype so hit me up if it sounds interesting! Skype: dgw1991
  10. dgw1991

    New dude lf people to play with!

    Swedish here, dgw1991 on skype.