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Everything posted by mitor

  1. mitor

    I wish I spawned with a...

    I would choose an M14 AIM, or an L85 Holo. Ammo is very easy to find, and these weapons are very powerful.
  2. mitor

    More suits? Why not? [Dayz Mod]

    Well, it would be a simple and cool feature if they added more suits. The game would have a lot more variety of people.
  3. Well, I play as a Hero because I like helping and meeting people. But the skin is a reward for my behavior and a way to tell other people it's probable that I'm friendly. A much better system could be implemented. As it is now, you only gain humanity when you give people blood bags and medical supplies. This system is just very simple and too-exploitable. What if you could gain some humanity points every x time playing without killing any survivor?
  4. A much better system could be implemented. As it is now, you only gain humanity when you give people blood bags and medical supplies. This system is just very simple and too-exploitable. What if you could gain some humanity points every x time without killing any survivor? Edit: Yeah, sorry, I misunderstood your expression, I'll edit that extra 'o' :D And give you some beans.
  5. It was a necesary glitch. Legally maintaining the hero skin is nearly* impossible, unless you exploit the game.
  6. That's not fair. Hero Skin is already difficult enough to achieve. Now it is impossible to maintain. Why did they remove the humanity gain?
  7. Sorry, Can an admin move me this to the section Dayz General discussion? This is not a sugestion. Thanks
  8. Hi, I can see people a lot of people asking for clans, and a lot of clans recruiting. I know a lot of them consider it's more fun playing with a lot of people, because they have vehicles, and all the stuff they want. In my opinion, that's a mistake. As a hero, I've encountered people who were in a clan throughout my adventures. What I have to say is most of them seemed to be almost bored, the last one was considering(And his clan was also) starting to play WarZ. When I asked him how longer had played Dayz he said that for a month more or less. He had had everything, he picked me up in a truck and gave me weapons and stuff. The problem: He hadn't almost experienced being a newbie, discovering things for yourself, being fascinated and afraid from a helli, being happy for finding your first military grade weapon, finding the red car, repair it, carefully hide it... What I call the "Being a noobsy magic". it's just my opinion. I've been playing for months, and I'm still not bored. After three months being playing a friend of mine started playing with me, and after three months we discovered our first repairable helicopter(The Little bird) I think the reason why people get bored of this game is because they discover everything very fast, and this is usually due to clans. Being in a big clan breaks what Dayz is meant to be: -Where is the feeling of Dieing if your clan is gonna pick you up and you are going to recover all your equipment? -Where is the feeling of survival if a member of your clan can give you a blood bag at anytime in 10 seconds, even in combat? Of course, being in a clan will probably reward you somehow, but it doesn't compensate. I repeat again, just my opinion. I know there's going to come people saying I'm in a clan and I blah blah blah... Yeah, I know. I only speak for the people I have met.
  9. mitor

    Will I be banned?

    Yes, you will be banned, if you want to avoid it you have to find a G36C, nvgs and a ghillie and leave it in a place that I'll tell you later, privately.... B)
  10. mitor

    Oh I wish I was a...

    Jack Bauer or... A powerfull mage, with the spell list from all Elder Scrolls games. Ah...A fury spell to a group of bandits :rolleyes: I could still be killable but it would be fun.
  11. Well, yeah. I also play with a friend from time to time. The thread only encourages players to play as a lone wolf to really experience was Dayz is meant to be. Also the problem is, as stated in the first post, that too many people start playing the game with an experienced clan/group of friends, which completely destroys what I call the "being a noobsy magic". P.S: The 100+ vehicles super loot weapons start with bazooka servers also ruin the experience fore many players.
  12. mitor

    [SA] Infected Melee Weapons

    This. Although it would be cool to see some rare military zeds with a weapon hanging of its belt, or some polices with the radio being dragged through the floor, with the weapon holstered... It would obviously need an adjustment to fit the loot tables.
  13. mitor

    Wind and ballistics system

    Ridiculous. ;) Because distances are not(and cannot be made) realistic. Are you going to make a map so large that fits into those parameters?
  14. mitor

    Wind and ballistics system

    Double post sorry.
  15. mitor

    Wind and ballistics system

    Awesome, thank you. I've been also reading the next patch notes. Cool patch. Yes, but firing a sniper is meant to be difficult. So you want a weapon that one hit kills, which doesn't have any disadvantages because you can store it in your backpack as if it were an MP5?
  16. Uhm... Just play? I don't understand people's stupidities... You can: -Find and repair a vehicle. -Go helping people you encounter by giving them blood transfusions -Go killing people -Try to disarm players and interact with them -Try to infiltrate in a clan with 6+ people ... Lotsa options!
  17. Lol, you more or less coincide with my gameplay style. Not only that, but some dayz ago I also tried to enter one of those servers, but I didn't make it.
  18. mitor

    Herbert the Pervert Plays DayZ

    Hahaha, that was really cool and funny.
  19. mitor

    Is using teamspeak 'cheating'?

    I had to vote yes, because the poll lacks more interesting options. You should be forced to use direct chat to talk with your mates. That would add realism and immersion to the game, because you could be heard by enemy players and they could overhear your conversations. On the other hand your friend's argument is indeed irrelevant. Everything you can use to play games should not be considered cheating or unfair. -Because using multiscreen configs provides you with a much larger field of view... -Because using Track IR allows you to quickly oversee your surroundings... -Because playing in a good computer makes the difference... -Because living in a country that provides you good networking system and close to the server also can make the difference... This is how I would make the game if I could: -I would enable direct chat always and forever. No key pressing to talk. This way, whatever you would say to your friends would be said ingame through the direct chat. You don't want to be heard, you simply shut up or mute your mic, so you can't talk to your friends.
  20. This is what you are looking for: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/124618-a-non-modified-vanilla-dayz-updated-whitelisted-european-server/
  21. mitor

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Well, this is your problem.
  22. mitor

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    The problem is not having better options for raising/lowering our weapons, but to encourage players not to always have the weapon raised. The best solution for this is simply make it so that you start getting tired after maintaining your weapon risen so much time, so that you aim worse over time.
  23. mitor

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    True, absolute true. it's one of the problem Dayz has now. Maybe you should get tired of holding your weapon, that should help.