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Everything posted by mitor

  1. mitor

    Remove 3rd person or make it worse

    Well, I'm glad to see there's people like me who hate first person in this game. I haven't played lots of other games that allow third person anyway, in Fallout games I don't remember which one I prefer... Maybe is fov, which is slightly higher than in first person, but I don't know... Anyway, I think that a system in which third person doesn't allow looking through walls is indeed possible...
  2. mitor

    Remove 3rd person or make it worse

    Well, I'm glad to see there's people like me who hate first person in this game. I haven't played lots of other games that allow third person anyway, in Fallout games I don't remember which one I prefer... Maybe is fov, which is slightly higher than in first person, but I don't know... Anyway, I think that a system in which third person doesn't allow looking through walls is indeed possible...
  3. mitor

    Your favorite weapon?

    M4 CCO SD and M9 SD. I also use L85 AWS to spot and defend myself against bandit snipers and save bambis. Thank you.
  4. Do you sell the SVD and l85 for NVGs GPS and Ghillie?
  5. mitor

    Traders and Traitors

    +1 to DevilDog. He gave me free stuff. 2 assault rifles and a Ghillie. Thank you.
  6. mitor

    Devil Dog's Free Gear Giveaway!

    Hi, thank you Devildog. I found the place and I picked up 2 assault rifles from the tents and a ghillie suit.
  7. mitor

    Selling CZ 550

    Hi, I´m selling this weapon. I have seen in this forum that some people want it and I am tired of it and I would like to change it. I can accept other snipers, assault rifles... Thank you.
  8. mitor

    Selling CZ 550

    It is not for me if it can be changed for a Ghillie(which I don´t have and is very difficult to find if you play solo and don´t cheat) and a GPS.
  9. mitor

    Trading FN FAL with 2 mags.

    I would like to trade this weapon. Make your offer. I have +1 in the traders list. Thank you.
  10. mitor

    Trading FN FAL with 2 mags.

    Hmmm...I don´t really need an AS50... Do you have a M4 CCO SD? Thank you.
  11. That would be awesome. The ability to tie someone is more difficult to do, because people could leave someone tied in the middle of the forest. Maybe a mechanism in which you can untie yourself every x minutes if noone avoids it(Doing it trough the actions menu.)
  12. mitor

    Selling CZ 550

    Sorry, I no longer have it. If I still had it, I would have done this. The stupid commentary of alec167 made me think it was worthless.
  13. The last 5 people I meet were friendly. The last one even bandaged me. (I had no bandages and I was with 4k blood already.) I meet him in a hangar, and asked him to bandage me, because I was about to die, and he had an AKM and I had better gear.... So yes, be friendly, because there's lots of people friendly.
  14. Hi, I suppose this has been asked a million times, but anyway... I know there is people who has vehicles. I´ve found myself some vehicles, carefully hide them, and they always disappear within 0-48 hours. The last time I found a bicycle, which I was able to hide during 2 days. But it also disappeared. I have tried in lots of places, in the North, in the middle of the map, in forests... I usually play alone, or with a single friend, and the question is, how do the people hide their vehicles? Can they be hidden outside the map? An example: How can someone have, not only one, but 17 vehicles hidden across different servers?
  15. I always save them... Can a server have problems saving vehicles? But if that occurs, could the server save the vehicle sometimes?
  16. mitor


    Hi, does it prevent item duping? Thank you.
  17. mitor

    Snow in Day z.

    If everyone is easy to spot then no one has any advantages. Camo clothing is not easy to found.
  18. mitor

    More aircraft!

    No to more types of aircraft. Yes to more kind of helicopters. I would like to see civilian helicopters, they are more common than military helicopters.
  19. mitor

    I will like to see bounty hunters vs bandits

    That won´t happen. Hopefully. It´s been asked a million times that military weapons are rare, very rare. There will not be weapon duping nor cheating/scripting(Not that extended as it is now). Also, survival aspect of the game is going to be enhanced, so COD kiddies will get tired very soon.
  20. Well, as batteries are going to be added to the game. (NVGs, torches...).That should not be a problem. I also know that tazer and stun guns are used in close combat, but that´s the point. You are not going to fight a sniper with that. Also, a tranquilizer gun would be cool.(It could be rare, but it can be found in zoos, veterinary clinic...) Thank you.
  21. mitor

    Selling CZ 550

    I don't feed the trolls
  22. mitor

    Ping too high

    Well, he is not asking that. He is asking about what type of internet connection are you paying for. Also, I can give you some tips: Try to connect your PC to your router through cable. Try to connect to servers from your own country or in worst case from nearby countries. Sixlauncher and Dayz Commander have the option to list all servers from less ping to more ping. Try not to use proxies or any similar aps. Consider changing your ISP and choosing less bandwith but optical fibre.
  23. mitor


  24. mitor

    Suicide option durring Hourglass Screen

    I like that, a lot. By the way, I have never have a bug with the hourglass, always has worked as intended.
  25. mitor

    I will like to see bounty hunters vs bandits

    No predefined roles in Dayz, if you want a role, you create it. There is already some kind of bounty hunters in dayz. I kill bandits for pleasure, I help survivors for the same reason. And you have the Chernarus Task Force(Or something like that), a group that kills bandits.