Hey guys, I've recently bought Amour II combined operations so that I could play DayZ with some friends, I first downloaded it on my family laptop as was not near my computer at the time, I could play DayZ on the laptop on low settings without lag, so I thought I would be able to play it on my computer which is slightly more powerful but once I have downloaded it I can't play DayZ without it lagging badly. The thing is that my laptop can get full connection as I can plug it in to my internet router via Ethernet cable but my computer is not close enough to my route so I wanted to ask if it is my connection making it lag not my computer, my specs ; Computer : http://gyazo.com/605a1b43d9f19391e1983ecebc9419e1 My laptop has 4GB RAM with 3.60 usable and a 1.80GHz processor.