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About flashgear90

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. flashgear90

    going 2 give up soon :(

    i have a pentium 4 3.00ghz 2.5 gig ram running a ati radeon hd 4550 1gb grapthics card and my internet is virgin media fiber optic i can run solo missions and normal mulitplayer games fine it just dayz
  2. flashgear90

    going 2 give up soon :(

    ok i have had this game about a week now and been able 2 play it for about five mins every time i join a game i get like 10000 ping or i get on loading screen and then game stops working and crashes my comp i have unistalled about 25 times tryed 2 run with six and commander tryed 2 run from just amar but still nothing so can any1 say a fix that works . plz
  3. flashgear90

    help !!

    ok going 2 do easyest thing uninstall everything start from scratch hope that works :)
  4. flashgear90

    help !!

    nothing on there about mulitplayer crashing :(
  5. flashgear90

    help !!

    it not the specs that proplem i can run it in solo very fine with no lag at all im running dayz from dayz commander and it when i join a game on the loading screen be4 spanning and i open windows mannager it just says not responding ?
  6. flashgear90

    help !!

    ok i got dayz working but now every time i join a game it crashes what could be wrong thanks
  7. flashgear90

    help !!

    hi i have installed arma2 and operation arrow head and have made a folder for dayz but when i go 2 launch the game it comes up with addon dayz_anim requires addon ca_dubbing_counterattack what does this me ? thanks
  8. flashgear90

    really stupid !!!!

    o thank god lol thanks that would of been a waste of £20
  9. flashgear90

    really stupid !!!!

    i just brought the arma2 operation arrowhead bundle can i still have dayz fell stupid if i cant :(