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Everything posted by musicrab

  1. Seems quite a few peops coming up in the "debug wilderness". Seems further away from the map than debug forest. 1 option is to run SE for 20mins. Didn't work for me (but then I didn't have a compass so guessed based on the sun). I eventually got our via the debug forest (with kit intact) as follows :- 1. find server canada 2 (filter on "dayz _ canada 2" or something) For some reason this gets you to the debug forest. Don't ask me how. EVEN if you get a client error (versions) ignore it. 2. Head EAST for 2KM. That's all. 3. Restart and connect to server of choice. You're back! EDIT: brings you onto the map WEST of Zelenogorsk
  2. musicrab

    1.7.1 : spawn in middle of nowhere

    That's "debug wilderness" - various threads here (need tying up). You have 3 choices. Start from scratch, run SE for 20mins OR get to the debug forest... 1. find server canada 2 (filter on "dayz _ canada 2" or something) For some reason this gets you to the debug forest. Don't ask me how. EVEN if you get a client error (versions) ignore it. 2. Head EAST for 2KM. That's all. 3. Restart and connect to server of choice. You're back! EDIT: brings you onto the map WEST of Zelenogorsk
  3. musicrab

    Wilderness (1.7.1) - how I escaped

    I gave up running East (or SE) after 20mins (perhaps I was going the wrong way). "canada 2" spawned me in the debug forest which made things MUCH easier.
  4. musicrab

    Wilderness (1.7.1) - how I escaped

    The canada 2 server idea came from somebody else (sorry - cannot remember them to give them the credit) so 2 of us have tried it. Doesn't do any harm in trying.
  5. musicrab

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    East. In europe, now, the sun is in the SW. So walking INTO your shadow means you're going NE. So turn right "a bit". Or look at the tree shadows (they point NE).
  6. musicrab

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    A FIX for the wilderness is as follows :- 1. find server canada 2 (filter on "dayz _ canada 2" or somrthing) For some reason this gets you to the debug forest. Don't ask me how. EVEN if you get a client error (versions) ignore it. 2. Head EAST for 2KM. That's all. 3. Restart and connect to server of choice. You're back!
  7. musicrab

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    I know we cannot get character resets, but what's the way out of the debug wilderness? Is it connected to the real map? Or do you have to abort and start again? Picture attached :- Me and my Pig
  8. musicrab

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Yep just spawned in wilderness. I believe this is WEST of the main map. So if I run EAST will I get out?
  9. musicrab

    Bug - I'm Stucked in Wilderness

    But the seas on the East. You mean you're on the west? So to get back to the map you run EAST. A compass is useful OTHERWISE if you walk into your shadow that's North (just after lunch EU time); then turn right 90deg... I've been running for 10mins...
  10. musicrab

    1.7.1 spawn glitched, help.

    Which way's east !? Head for the sun and left a bit?! oh bugger, no sun... EDIt: oh yes - if I walk into my shadow that's North; so turn 90deg right... This could take a while although I have a paperclip jammed in the keyboard while running. This will be fun for about 2 mins...
  11. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=11906
  12. I assume this was a hack? Suddenly a high pitched whistle and everybody died on the server. WTF?
  13. YES Don't use audio (would annoy team members); a visual heart or location chevron. Tie proximity to text chat distance.
  14. YES Or, when closeby to somebody, you SEE a location chevron. Fight, team-up or run.
  15. YES Or, simply, when closeby (text or chat range?) to somebody who has VERY low humanity, you hear a heartbeat noise.
  16. Sorry I found Six a. not intuitive and b. a sledge-hammer to crack a nut. worrom is simple for dayz install and getting any Arma2 Betas is easy.
  17. YES No problem whatsoever with this; 10mins to find something better than a makarov :-)
  18. musicrab

    Thirst and Hunger too fast?

    Get a hatchet, knife and matches and you never have to worry about finding tins. Also useful when you are a bit careless and need a blood top up... Water. I top up at ponds. There are some good maps with pond locations. But can you get ill from drinking pond water? I thought you could - not yet for me though.
  19. Sorry, I don't play many online games. What is Direct chat? Does it work? Is Teamspeak (?) or other better?
  20. musicrab

    Day Z Single Player

    Single player version? Debug window? WTF? Just play the normal game; stay away from the big towns, airfields and main roads and you'll be unlucky if you see anybody else.
  21. musicrab

    Could we have forum polls.

    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/embeddedform?formkey=dFNVZEhVRjNqUkt4VExiSEZ4RHN0Tmc6MQ Results https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewanalytics?formkey=dFNVZEhVRjNqUkt4VExiSEZ4RHN0Tmc6MQ Might as well sticky this until the forum admins come up with something better?
  22. musicrab

    DayZ Stories

    End of 2nd (long) life. 2 basic mistakes - fell off dear-stand and didn't have any morphine. Crawled to devil's castle (I was in the middle of nowhere already) hoping to find a spare rucksack. If I'd been more carefull I reckon I could have lived their for ages - plenty of sodas and beans but crawling up stairs was tricky to say the least and the inevitable happened. Just at the top of the keep (perhaps there are 2 there) I failed to negotiate a right-hand bend and slipped off to my death. Bugger-it. I'll never know whether there was any morphine at the top (unlikely). Would have been interested to see how I could have survived there otherwise.
  23. musicrab

    Loading bar...

    I think by "loading bar" you mean "receiving data"? It doesn't normally go to the end. However, with 1.7 I have got stuck on the "Loading" screen.
  24. ^ its very addictive NOW.