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Everything posted by musicrab

  1. musicrab

    Regarding Genders, Skins & Teleportation

    To Magnet (or any staff member) Magnet has already stated that the main reason for being teleported is mismatching versions. Fair enough. It happened to me, I guess, because I joined a mis-matching versioned server (my s/w is normally up-to-date). This still seems to be happening to people and I guess I'm trying to help them. It'd be useful to know please :- 1. if you end in one of these areas if you log-out, check versions, should you be able to recover? (ocean seems to be non-recoverable and you have to re-spawn). 2. for non-recoverable environs (ocean), apart from mis-matched version, is there any other reason for this? 3. for recoverable environs (land-based), apart from mis-matched version, is there any other reason for this? 4. for "wilderness" a fix was to join a "1.7.0" server IE "canada 2" which caused teleport to teh debug forest; why does this work and should it work for all 1.7.0 servers? (we found after the above if we ran EAST for 2KM our character would be saved with valid co-ords). Thanks for info that can be provided.
  2. Much better for me. Crawling near Zs no problem. Also had no problems is buildings+barns (previously had BIG problems in barns).
  3. musicrab

    DayZ review and thoughts

    Hatchet equiping fixed. (I removed it from toolbelt and appeared in the primary weapon slot even though I had a shotgun equipped? Not sure what happened there. Didn't repeat this issue; am unlikely to use as a weapon). Zs easily aggrod fixed. Been around a town with lots of Zs. Back to 1.7.0. Some may say its too easy. Looks ok to me. Shotgun "pack of 8" carts now easily spiltable to 4x2 (could I do this before? didn't think I could.) Will run the game in the morning and check if food/water have not depleted (in theory this "bug" has been fixed so there's no degradation while a player is offline- personally think this is a retrograde step.) Good hotfix!
  4. Apparently this was a bug but I quite liked having to ensure I logged out with at least some water/food. I guess one benifit is we can wait, without penalty, until the zed visibility issues are fixed.
  5. musicrab

    The Agro Radius Is Too Damn High

    ^ I know that the Bug forum thread creation is moderated, but nothing to stop you reporting a bug directly with the developers https://dev-heaven.net/projects/dayz
  6. musicrab

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Any feedback on hatchet issues in Bugs 33787, 33785, 33849 (summary:- cannot equip hatchet; corruption in gear with slugs/binos) Or is a gear reload (ie new respawn) required to clear this? Thanks.
  7. musicrab

    The Agro Radius Is Too Damn High

    This is a bug in https://dev-heaven.net/issues/33787
  8. musicrab

    Wilderness Spawn

    Assuming you have the correct Arma2 Beta Client (AND KNOW HOW TO RUN IT)... ...try a 1.7.0 server (if you SEE TREES you've got out of the wilderness; run EAST for 2KM to get to the map by which time your character should have been saved). Here are available servers http://arma2.swec.se/server/list?mquery=&nquery=1.7.0&state_playing=1 If you get any client errors (about mismatching versions) ignore these, the 1.7.0 server just gets you back on the main map.
  9. musicrab

    Hachet inventory space

    Bug already raised (probably best to look under Bugs first). https://dev-heaven.net/issues/33854
  10. musicrab

    New zombie AI not fun.

    Bug raised (zombie aggro broken) believed to be a sound issue (says Rocket). https://dev-heaven.net/issues/33787
  11. NB. raised as a formal bug here https://dev-heaven.net/issues/33854 EDIT: Actually quite a few formal bugs raised with "" and "hatchet" in the title. I think they will know about it! Not being able to equip is a PITA. But there is lots of wood around (assuming you're not in the wilderness :-)
  12. musicrab

    Spawning in Barren Wasteland?

    Just a recap. If you're in the winderness (NO TREES) and have a life/kit you want to keep read on... The previous fix for this was to join a 1.7.0 server (there are about 15 running at time of post). This specifically worked with canada 2 which has upgraded (apart from "canada 2 GMT+4" which is down at present). NB. You may get client errors when you do this (because of version differences) but if you see trees then you are in the debug forest which is GOOD. Give the game a chance to save your new location then try a pukka server. My suggestion is to try one of these servers. Please report back any successes. Otherwise as has repeatedly been said make sure you have the latest Arma2 Beta Client (MORE IMPORTANTLY YOU KNOW HOW TO RUN THE AMRA2 BETA CLIENT).
  13. ^ same as me. 2 hatchet sizes? 1 for melee and other for wood chopping? I doubt it. (Will have a read up). This is a left-over from I guess.
  14. To the original poster. Can you rename this thread *** Hatchet Bugs List *** and we'll get a consolidated list. My problem ( perhaps a legacy of trying (deep breath) is I cannot equip a hatchet. I've lots of space but cannot equip. Luckily there's plenty of wood.
  15. If you use worrom just change the d/l URL to point to http://worrom.com/dayzupdater/DAYZ_1_7_1_1.txt (for obviously))
  16. musicrab

    Can't download 1.7 files

    Have you tried manually? http://cdn.armafiles.info/latest/
  17. musicrab

    Stuck at Debug Areas

    1. ensure you have AND ARE CORRECTLY RUNNING the latest Arma2 Client Beta (NB. this is DIFFERENT to dayz) e.g. http://dayz.sykotix.com/arma-ii-beta-client-install/ 2. if in the wilderness (NO TREES) and want to save your kit you need to get to the debug forest (WITH TREES) You need to connect to a 1.7.0 server (filter=1.7.0) to do this. 3. When in the debug forest (WITH TREES) and you can see yourself and the debug monitor is displayed, run 2KM EAST to get back to civilisation; your location should be saved ok at this time; try a server of choice (ONE THAT MATCHES YOUR dayz CLIENT, e.g.
  18. musicrab

    Wilderness (1.7.1) - how I escaped

    ^ can I ask which server you connected to to get out of the wilderness? "canada 2" was the original favourite to do this but I guess any 1.7.0 server will do. (filter=1.7.0) At time of posting, there are just over 20 still running 1.7.0, so if you're in the wilderness and want to keep your kit do this ASAP.
  19. musicrab

    Worrom's Updater Not Functioning

    Try http://cdn.armafiles.info/latest/
  20. You're probably not running the beta client. Try http://dayz.sykotix.com/arma-ii-beta-client-install/
  21. Your character is tied to the game key; use the same steam account and you'll be fine (might need to find some food and water though :-)
  22. musicrab

    Open field

    Do you have the latest Arma2 Beta client? (separate from dayz) http://dayz.sykotix.com/arma-ii-beta-client-install/
  23. musicrab

    Worroms updater problems 1.7.1

    Files may be in the process of being updated? EDIT: Change "Download URL" -> http://cdn.armafiles.info/latest
  24. Check a.you have the latest dayz (e.g. b. you have the latest Arma2 Beta Client (http://dayz.sykotix.com/arma-ii-beta-client-install ) c. you join a matching server (