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About Allukard

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  1. Allukard

    Ghost cupboard in anomaly house

    Oh. There are a lot of them which looks same way. If you come close and move cursor on roof(look top), they become normal. Otherway transparent + many of them in and around chernogorsk
  2. Allukard

    Day Z gonna look like Stalker

    almost maximum
  3. Allukard

    Day Z gonna look like Stalker

    Guys y mad? Why so serious in a joke post. XD. But anyway it wasn't a chemlight
  4. Allukard

    Day Z gonna look like Stalker

    Nope. Its didn't appeared till 10 meters whyle normally I see them like 50 meters away(chems). Also no model of chemlight
  5. Allukard

    Day Z gonna look like Stalker

    No chemlight. I did nothink. It's just appear, and I couldn't pick it up. P.S. Chemlight looks different even with max gamma + you can see on the 1st screen that it was an blue dot until I came closer.
  6. They are secretly implementing features from stalker and I have proof. When I was walking at night I sow a little shining dot [attachment=397], then when I came closer, an artifact(stalker definition) appears[attachment=398] and when I came closer it's shine rise [attachment=399]. See! They are now developing an cancelled Stalker 2, but we know truth now!
  7. Only I noticed that we start with an body temperature close to 36.6 degrees by Celsium(it's near 98 farehrenheit) and can survive with 40 farehrenheit what converts to 2.8 Celsium! REALISM!!!! I survived with this temperature while critical minimal survival temperature for human is 25°С. An hour later I was killed by zombies but how they noticed that I was alive WHEN I HAD DAMN 2.8°С of body!!! REALISM!!! Hah... I was a walking dead)))
  8. Allukard

    Ghost cupboard in anomaly house

    No. In this game Chernarnia))
  9. Have you seen this cupboard [attachment=365] and also scary aura (screen) in the house)))
  10. It's really buggy and irrealistic. Even at night(not so cold, regular night like in Ukraine or some EU) walking in clothes will not make you die even till the morning especially in summer(Like in game. Noticed green trees and grass?!). + if you will drink Vodka - you even will not get any illness. Common rain is also will not make you die from hypothermia. As an example in Byelowrussia rain usually not cold and in Ukraine our children like to play under rain and OH IT's A MAGIC!!! No dead children? Or game is about an ill and sick survivor. So I vote against this temp feature or to make it moOOOOOOoore soft!
  11. Allukard

    Widescreen glass

    May be it defends in some way from bullets if you are in car
  12. Allukard

    Widescreen glass

    I got widescreen glass. What is it. People told that it is for making a TV set but I think that it was a joke. Is it for car or what? If a TV can someone post any screens of it?