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Itachi (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Itachi (DayZ)

  1. Itachi (DayZ)

    Your Experiences with Other Players...

    100% of people. Are kill on sight. Every single person..
  2. YES I say this will add a little bit more co op for people just spawning around the coast. It will help people who actually have a gun be more careful with their character instead of just spawn grieving. Obviously will never stop grieving but I think it would help. Adds a tougher experience, the game in actuality is not very hard. Really like the idea but yea starting with less loot will also help bandits camping coast.
  3. Itachi (DayZ)

    The Community/Game as of 1.7.0

    Before the hardcore trolls come. I def feel you man. The game has become pretty CoDish for my liking but you know that's how it goes I guess. Still an awesome game. It's hard to have friends playing with you every time you play and if you ever see anyone besides a friend it's kill on sight, and I mean EVERYTIME without fail. I love the pvp, and the hardcore aspect of everything. It's just getting to a point where I'm respawning and trying to kill people. Not even caring about surviving anymore lol
  4. Itachi (DayZ)

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    I just came..
  5. Itachi (DayZ)

    Saying goodbye to my humanity

    Yea I gotta agree. It's getting pretty outta control. Became pretty CoDish because there is no incentive what so ever to group, and zombies are of no threat. I logged in to a server and got insta sniped. Then spawn killed 2 times right after. Felt like I was on my ps3 playing CoD. But hey can't beat um join um right? So im kill on sight as well.
  6. Yea you know I'm with everyone here. I'm really on both sides. I really love the hardcore aspect of the night forcing you to make use of the utility items and play even more carefully. But, at the same time lets face it guys it's really REALLY dark. At the borderline of being almost unplayable. It's real dark... like my monitor turned off is brighter dark. We should at least be able to see something..anything! Can't even make out what something is currently without having to tweak gamma settings.