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Shep (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Shep (DayZ)

  1. Shep (DayZ)

    Populated NPC military base

    I wouldn't have a problem with it, but give the guards mediocre gear at best, so people don't farm them, and turn their AI difficulty to an extreme setting, and on a high place, so people just can't snipe them from 1 km away. Aswell for vehicles, have them be very very rare, but decent chance for some good/great loot, and I think it'd be a good addition.
  2. Shep (DayZ)

    Arma 3 dayz

    Yes Arma 3 is going to be a new game, but there is going to be DayZ on it, so. It's already been tested and what not. Apparently a lot more stable and can handle more stuff as well. Nut I don't think stuff will transfer over, just due to the fact that there's going to be completely different items, models, ect. just because it's a as MadGelo said, an entirely new game. I may be wrong, maybe they have a system to do that or something, I don't know, but as of my knowledge, I'd say no.
  3. I'd say since melee weapons are being implemented, spawn with one of those. More people would have hatchet, and crowbars laying at home, rather then Markov with 6 magazines.
  4. Shep (DayZ)


    Rocket has said he isn't very fond of the idea, because he feels that we don't know what we would be paying for, or purchasing, or something of that sorts.
  5. Shep (DayZ)

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    I'd say make some more, fast running sombies, and then some jogging ones, tbh.
  6. Shep (DayZ)

    Most shocking thing you've seen.

    I witnessed from a distance at the NW airfield, scoping it out, as I saw about 4-5 players inside working together, looting the airfield, as I hear a chopper in the distance, it swoops in, and the machine guns, quickly tear down every single one in the airfield, and all the zombies... I did not dare move in, or even move. As I know I would've been murdered... Reminded me much of this video, here:
  7. Shep (DayZ)

    [EXPLOIT] Duping player gear

    Hah... Hah... Is Hugge srs? I know nothing about it, but nor do I want too. And I think Hugge should feel the same. The Dev's will get too it.
  8. Shep (DayZ)

    Compass Icon Appeared!!!

    Same here.
  9. Shep (DayZ)

    List of Weapons

    Could probably do the same with a grenade, Zorg.
  10. Shep (DayZ)

    ARMA 2: DayZ Mod Survival

    Just one tip. SLOOOOOWW DOOOOWWWN. You talk pretty fast, so, but otherwise it seems great.