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Shep (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Shep (DayZ)

  1. I wouldn't have a problem with it, but give the guards mediocre gear at best, so people don't farm them, and turn their AI difficulty to an extreme setting, and on a high place, so people just can't snipe them from 1 km away. Aswell for vehicles, have them be very very rare, but decent chance for some good/great loot, and I think it'd be a good addition.

  2. Yes Arma 3 is going to be a new game, but there is going to be DayZ on it, so. It's already been tested and what not. Apparently a lot more stable and can handle more stuff as well. Nut I don't think stuff will transfer over, just due to the fact that there's going to be completely different items, models, ect. just because it's a as MadGelo said, an entirely new game. I may be wrong, maybe they have a system to do that or something, I don't know, but as of my knowledge, I'd say no.

  3. I witnessed from a distance at the NW airfield, scoping it out, as I saw about 4-5 players inside working together, looting the airfield, as I hear a chopper in the distance, it swoops in, and the machine guns, quickly tear down every single one in the airfield, and all the zombies... I did not dare move in, or even move. As I know I would've been murdered... Reminded me much of this video, here:
