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About pgTriage

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. pgTriage

    Looking for team player with Skype.

    Good luck! If you are able to play on US servers, shoot me a PM :).
  2. pgTriage

    LF NA partner

    Hey, looking for someone serious that wants to work on getting vehicles/setting up a camp on an up-to-date server. I have found it very difficult to find people that are not extremely arrogant, terrible when it comes to strategy, or use hacks. You must be a legit player and modest in whatever voip system we use. I'm not interested if you're a cocky, annoying, and arrogant fool. Also no children, must be at least 19+. No offense to younger players, but statistically speaking, I probably don't want to play with you :P. I'm 23, live in Canada (Eastern), and I have a vent server we can use. I have Skype, but prefer push-to-talk clients far more. I also play SC2 primarily, and a bit of WoW when I am extremely bored. My skype: lukaws1989. Please write something when you add me, it helps :). Again, this is for NORTH AMERICA. Thanks :D.
  3. pgTriage

    Looking for buddies

    did not get request T.T I live in EST :D
  4. pgTriage

    Looking for buddies

    Still lookin! Can play now :).
  5. Hey guys, I've checked out clans, joined TS3 servers, but I still haven't found anyone I really want to play with. Most of the people so far are extremely arrogant and I wouldn't be able to stand them very long -.-. I'm typically a player that solos or has 1-2 trusted friends with me. Unfortunately, all of my friends that are very good at Sc2/WoW refuse to play this game...probably too scary for them :P. I am looking for 1-3 people that want to find a server, collect some gg gear, find a chopper/other transport, and set up camps. PM me or add my skype: lukaws1989 Serious players only :).
  6. pgTriage

    Well, that was lucky

    He had some pistol mags in his bag :o. So yeah, this guy was def a cheater. Not a very good shot though -.-. He did have a bag when I killed him. By picking up the gun, the bag I wanted in the end got deleted =.=. Oh well. I currently have like 4-5 clips for the m9SD and 500 rounds on this machine gun :D. And that name sounds right, thnx.
  7. Usually I don't care that much when someone attempts to kill me and I stop them. It's nice to know I can shoot reasonably well. Tonight was particularly strange. I had a Lee (bagged m4a1 due to no ammo) and was running around Elektro. Saw a weaponless newblet and decided not to kill him. He saw me too and ran off. About 20s later I hear really loud shots coming from the direction I saw the nooblet run off in. I immediately follow. My assumption is that the poor unarmed guy was taken out, meaning that I had a bandit to try to gank. This guy rolls around the corner with a machine gun and immediately opens fire. I no-scoped him with the Lee, missing. He hits me once or twice, retreats, then pops back out to finish me off. My second no-scope 1 shot KO's him, and he's dead. I'm at 2k health, broken legs, but still alive! I picked up his gun after bandaging, and somehow wasnt spotted by the nearby zombies. This thing took up basically my entire inv because each ammo was 2 slots. This guy had over 500 rounds for this thing, and 9+ clips for an M9 SD. Should it be safe to assume this guy was a cheater? He also had basically every other item. I didnt catch the name of the machine gun (goin zzz now), but it has 100 in the mag, it's camo looking, and has a red dot sight. Also I cannot seem to carry a bag with it. Is that right? Should I have no bag? I was like omg @.@ when I got him, super lucky. All that no scope zombie killing turned out to be good for something :). PS. Afraid to log in because I don't want to lose this gg gun! It 1 shots zombies :D