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Posts posted by RealGhostHunter

  1. This server has room for great players. It is the only server I play on. More mods will be add in later to day like the DMZS, Killbox, Drink from pounds, Bus Route AI, Knockout, Custom spawn point for players that donates or earns points same with the custom loadouts and base domes. Radio Communications Tow/lift/load, Service point Refuel/Repair, Heli evac, Master key, snap build, added lootable buildings on them map, Short day/night cycles, deploy able recipe. oh yeah the largests tank/heli/jetsto buy from the traders i have ever seen. With Great pricing and very easy to obtain.  

  2. I just rented a new server looking for new players to join the server. I will always take feed back on improving server experience to increase player cap. Looking for laid back and mature players. Who just want to have fun and hang out. The server IP port 3017. If your on a server and feel like your opinion is not heard then come join ours we listen.

  3. I m the hele pilot on my server. I ran into some trouble I have the jerry cans i need but I need a ride to get my hele. I landed on top of the Internationale hotel last night log out to help a friend move his car. Log in a few hours later and the server reseted 3 hours early. I have the jerry can on the hele but the way i landed the tail of the hele is hanging off the building just out of my reach. I will be on US 2893 in the area of the hele. plz help and i will give you a pair of NV Goggles.

  4. We defined the starting point is any where off the coast and make it to the NW airbase. And it only works for the person who makes it not group. You can be in a group but if you do not make it you do not get the reward. The Finish point is the roof top of the Fire house in NW airbase where we will pick you up and air lift you to any point on the map and give you the Reward you earned. For those who do not make it go to the light house next to Prigorodki where you will receive 1 gear of you choice.

  5. I want to point out were not hacking. Or whatever the trolls like to call it. We are bored and want to challenge our self's. If yo start on the coast and make it to the NW Airbase we will give you any gear you want. If you cant we will part you with NV Goggles. Its is simple challenge and will be fair.
