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About dakochan

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  1. dakochan

    why shoot when teleported???

    do something different like a flying bus? I play Dayz 2 days ago and i got attacked by hordes. I get a broken bone and i cant even walk. Then I kept typing "HELPPP" while crawling out of the city, when this flying bus (i swear its flying or jumping houses) landed in front of me, and a bandit came out. He ask me " do you need help?". I said "yes please", then the bus jump over me and kill me. wtf man?
  2. dakochan

    Big Foot In Dayz - READ

    But you were in this thread writting comment indeed.......
  3. dakochan

    So does this make me an asshole?

    me too!!! so what it makes us? 2/10?
  4. So if I saw a picture of you in your home from facebook, that means it unrealistic? Because I only see it from a 16 inch screen and cant live in it?
  5. I think the biggest unrealistic thing in Dayz is spawning. player's spawn as well as zombie spawn and loot spawn. The player's spawning could be fix when the SA come out, by adding a prologue story why our character end up in this fucked up island, I can't bother about this in this early state of the game. But the zombie spawn is pretty annoying, have you ever experience a zombie suddenly appear beside you out of nowhere? Its either lag or bugs in zombie spawning. A little addition to the unrealistic thing in Dayz is our character doesnt need to Poo or Pee after all that cokes and nasty beans that we ate. And our character doesnt need to sleep either, you could run 7 days 7 night as long as you ate and drink, come on.......
  6. dakochan

    Died on login, bug?

    This happened to me last night too. I log out before I went to dinner, when i log back in, I lost all my gear and only left with the gear that you got when you respawn. I would like to find my body, but I dont know where fuck I was before I log out. So I end up start looting again. sighhh
  7. dakochan

    How do I play now that i'm fully geared

    Wait till I find your camp....... Muahahahahaha