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Everything posted by zombietampons

  1. zombietampons

    Looking For A Squad

    Check out our server, TS3 is filled up for the most of the day, the guys have formed there on team of 14 or so broken up into squads. We also have two servers, Chern & Lingor http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93221-we-have-a-noob-friendly-server/
  2. zombietampons

    We have a noob friendly server!

    Website is up for whitelist signup finally, so far we have 100 per server. http://thematuregamer.com
  3. zombietampons

    We have a noob friendly server!

    wow Did a test, Without Whitelist Server was filled with 40 players, 15 Active Hackers. Whitelist on Active Players 20 with 0 Hackers. If you wanna join our Servers then Join the TS3 Channel and Apply, No Hackers, No BS. Admin Out
  4. zombietampons

    We have a noob friendly server!

    Forgot to add TS3 ts53.gameservers.com:9270
  5. zombietampons

    We have a noob friendly server!

    Server is now Whitelisted Users Only, Join the TS3 to be approved
  6. zombietampons

    Looking for co-survivor (again!)

    Check out my post about our Server http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93221-we-have-a-noob-friendly-server/ Our Community Teamspeak has been filling up with people playing together.
  7. zombietampons

    Funny ways you've died.

    I walked infront of the bus, it ate me... nuff said
  8. zombietampons

    Looking for small group to play with

    You should really get Teamspeak 3, its better than skype ;)
  9. Hey Guys we have a new Lingor Server, 24/7 Day, Side Chat, Teamspeak Server. 10/1/2012 We will be taking our server over to WHITELISTED Users only, the only way you will be able to apply to is to join our Teamspeak and speak to an admin directly. Admins are also online 24/7, and no you will not be subject to admin abuse. Also here is a post about our other servers http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93221-we-have-a-noob-friendly-server/
  10. zombietampons

    Searching teammates

    Check out http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93221-we-have-a-noob-friendly-server/
  11. Hey guys if your looking for a decent server to play on check out my post http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93221-we-have-a-noob-friendly-server/ Many of the players on both servers have teamed up on Teamspeak have started working together by surviving, hunting bandits.
  12. Check out our Server, alot of the players have join our Teamspeak Server and created a friendly group. Here is the post I made for the server a while back, also be monitor the server for hackers & have an admin on pretty much 24/7 for both servers. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93221-we-have-a-noob-friendly-server/
  13. zombietampons

    Need A Group! 1st Day in Dayz, Help!

    Hey you can check out our server, it's fairly noob friendly and most of the players hangout in our Teamspeak 3 Server running as a group. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93221-we-have-a-noob-friendly-server/
  14. zombietampons

    Looking for small group to play with

    Check out my post http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93221-we-have-a-noob-friendly-server/ They are many people who team up and play on our server. Most hangout in our Teamspeak 3 Server talking to each other.
  15. zombietampons

    Admin abuse?

    Hey you can check out our server, I run a decent server with great admins who do not abuse there powers. We also have a TS3 Server allowing you to speak directly to the Admins. Also I am the Server owner and I do monitor my admins, the one thing that I hear most from people is "Thanks for being fair admin" http://dayzmod.com/f...riendly-server/ ts53.gameservers.com:9270 Also on another note and not meaning to sound like a dick but if those admins did abuse there powers there is really nothing you can do about it, its their server and they can do as they please.
  16. zombietampons

    We have a noob friendly server!

    Update: viLayer Transferred us over to there Dallas, a Much FASTER Server for our Lingor Map. Lingor Server:
  17. zombietampons

    We have a noob friendly server!

    on the 27th of this Month we are going to a WHITELISTED SERVER ONLY! Meaning you will have to join our TS3, Apply for an account to be able to join our server. This is going to help us battle "Hackers, Spammers".
  18. zombietampons

    I don't want to start this alone :(

    HI You can check out our server were going back to a Whitelisted User Only Server, meaning you would have to join our TS3 Signup to be able to join our server. We also have Teamspeak, alot of people that play on the server are noobs and are having fun playing together. Also we manage our server with 6 different admins in 6 different timezones so we pretty much have an admin online 24/7, also during peak hours all 3 admins are online. Also the admins, admin the admins since we have a ZERO Tolerance for admin abuse. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93221-we-have-a-noob-friendly-server/
  19. For $45hr I would gladly be your admin, I have a BAS Degree in Computer Scenic, working on my Masters. If you can reach this I would gladly manage your server. :)
  20. zombietampons

    We have a noob friendly server!

    Both of our Servers are ONLINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chernarus Server: Lingor Server: [30 Vehicle Spawn 3x Choppers]
  21. zombietampons

    We have a noob friendly server!

    Actually it was a Private Hive, and will be a private hive in less than 24hr again. Our host reinstalled our DayZ for us and deleted all of our files updating with the Normal DayZ. We are transferring our host over to viLayer now and should be back private in less that 24hrs. So it is in the Right Forum, Game Servers.com just screwed up our setup.
  22. zombietampons

    Any cheat free servers?

    Check out our Server http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93221-we-have-a-noob-friendly-server/ We have picked 4 admins who are on pretty much 24/7 due to there locations so we can pretty much keep an eye on the hackers at all times, we've also wrote custom software to work with our servers to battle the hackers. During the Day (US East Coast) our Server is considered a high population server.
  23. zombietampons

    We have a noob friendly server!

    Yes we're thinking of going Private not really sure yet, it will require all of the users to signup and be approved before they will be able to join onto our server. Why? Just to help with the hackers. We aren't a clan but we will welcome in clans with open arms until they violate our rules, We are not a Clan just Community of people playing the game. After donations we've purchased a second Server and we're more than likely going to have a "Noobs" Server & Teamspeak Channel so the new guys can run around learn the game trust each other .etc .etc "Veteran" Server - Veteran meaning you know how to play the game and we'll would be just regular server possible with a Username List. You & Your Clan is welcome on our server and we do monitor the server for hackers and have wrote some programs to work with our server to seek out and ban these guys, yes we have our own custom anti-hack that we've created for the game.
  24. zombietampons

    We have a noob friendly server!

    cool thx!
  25. zombietampons

    We have a noob friendly server!

    We've disabled Side Voice Chat in the Server and leaving that up to our TS3 Join our Communty Teamspeak 3 Server @ ts53.gameservers.com:9270