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Everything posted by zombietampons

  1. zombietampons

    We have a noob friendly server!

    Server Updated
  2. zombietampons

    Enhanced Setpos.txt and Attachto.txt

    Why block the IP? Would like too add all of these "hackers" too my list.
  3. zombietampons

    We have a noob friendly server!

    Added more buildings 2 extra pictures
  4. zombietampons

    We have a noob friendly server!

    We're up to a total of 202 Extra Buildings that you can enter....
  5. zombietampons

    Hero's vs Bandits

    Was Streaming a little and well came across these Bandits at NWAF.... Here is what happened... http://www.twitch.tv...ons/b/348775790 Please note that the quality is a little low ( I Stream in 720p but uploads in 480) The Server we were on had Custom Bases/Barracks around the Map... B) Silly Bandits Have A Bloodpack Team Tonight was Kamikaze, Kamel
  6. zombietampons

    Hero's vs Bandits

    Looking for a team if anyone wants to join??
  7. zombietampons

    We have a noob friendly server!

    Now Accepting Player Submitted Bases.
  8. zombietampons

    Hero's vs Bandits

    Going to be on again tonight
  9. zombietampons

    Day Z Videos

    Was Streaming a little and well came across these Bandits at NWAF.... Here is what happened... http://www.twitch.tv...ons/b/348775790 Please note that the quality is a little low ( I Stream in 720p but uploads in 480) The Server we were on had Custom Bases/Barracks around the Map... B) Silly Bandits Have A Bloodpack Team Tonight was Kamikaze, Kamel
  10. zombietampons

    Monky Monitor

    Script Kiddie, but that being said it is also a Anti-Hack.... oddly enough
  11. zombietampons

    We have a noob friendly server!

    Server has a 10 minute Rollback Feature meaning if a script kiddie comes in and ruins your game play the admin can simply rollback the server 10 minutes with little of no lost to the player.
  12. zombietampons

    We have a noob friendly server!

    Added in Planes, Also we will have a new Bandit Skin.
  13. zombietampons

    We have a noob friendly server!

    We've added a few more Cities, Map Markers, Weapons, Vehicles, and we're also accepted Player Submitted Bases! As long as they don't spawn in weapons all is welcome! Zombies have been increased! FOOD DECREASED! WEAPONS INCREASED! It's Fairly hard to survive for more than a day on our server! come join us.
  14. zombietampons

    We have a noob friendly server!

    Added City to NEAF! Massive
  15. zombietampons

    We have a noob friendly server!

    Bridges Added, Humvee unlocked
  16. DayZ Abortion Clinic Players will join in with the following loadout (1911 with 1 Clip, Compass, Whiskey Bottle, Tin Can, Morphine, Bandage x3) or they Request the Veteran Package which means you will spawn with no items. Our Current Server Settings 50 Slot Server (Dallas) Side Chat Over 75 Enterable Buildings added (Around the Map) Veteran Settings with No Map Location / Weapon Crosshair Custom Weapons Added to loot spawns Decreased Food Spawns Increased Zombie Spawns 30+ Barracks 10 Custom Bases 90+ Vehicles 12-15 Choppers (Huey, Littlebird, Russian) Gotcha Antihacks DayZ Antihax Fair Admins Server is Setup to Reset every 3 hours to ensure smooth game play. Everyone is welcomed to play. We are a growing community , With active members. Admins are online 24/7. Our admins are 18+ with plenty experience. We have added Police cars to the server! 15 Choppers! 90+ vehicles!!! So its pretty easy to find a ride for our group! Have questions Join our TS !!! If you join our Teamspeak other Players will help you out. We also have a "No Shoot if in TS" Rule which if someone is in your Channel and you shoot them all of your gear will taken away. Our Map has been edited from Cherno to Devils Castle so there is always something new to see, we've also increased Zombies! Over 30+ Barracks Surrounded by Deer Stands for increased Zombie Spawns. If you have a Map you can See the Locations of the New Barracks (we do this to increase the PVP) We also welcome Clan Warfare! We've added Custom Bases that Teams can take over! Donators will also be rewarded with Skins/Loadouts. We also have a Teamspeak 3 Server that everyone is Welcome to join, Private Rooms will be made on Request & Normal Clans can request a perm room. ts53.gameservers.com:9270 Server IP DayZ Abortion Clinic *Veteran*| Clan Bases | 90+ Vehicles | Donator Perks | Custom Weapons | 24/7 Daytime | Admins Online Hope to see you on!
  17. Yes, people didn't like Abortion Clinic so I had to change it back to our generic name "Mature Gamers"
  18. Just a one time payment, also it only shows certain vehicles no SUV's, Offroads, Helis just the basic ones.
  19. Also Map/GPS with all of the loadouts. The Vehicle Map is a Browser Application not ingame.
  20. $2.50 (Skins Hero, Soldier, Ghillie, Rocket) $5.00 (Skins + Sidearm) $10.00 (Skins + Sidearm + Coyote Backpack) $15.00 All of the above + a active vehicle map. There are admins online pretty much 24/7 and you can request a loadout change at anytime. So far everyone has been happy with the loadouts. All of the funds go right back into the Servers.
  21. zombietampons

    We have a noob friendly server!

    Server updated, added buildings and clan bases. take yours over today.
  22. zombietampons

    How to rollback my server

    If you have sql access you could backup your Survivor Database every 10 minutes or so. I made a simple mysql console application in C# to backup mine every (x) minutes that I have running on my home server. If a script kiddie comes in and kills everyone I ban the scripters GUID/IP stop the server and upload the backup via Navicat, takes around 3 Minutes to do this. Everyone is happy, they may lose something here and there but for the most part they respawn with most of there gear and close to there location.
  23. zombietampons

    Watch My Stream? Giveaways.

    Hi guys, I've started streaming my DayZ experiences on Twitch.tv and well trying to get a few followers. Tonight I will be giving away Batman: Arkham City So if your interested in check out my stream @ http://twitch.tv/zombietampons Here is one of videos from last night http://www.twitch.tv/zombietampons/b/343089051 skip to around 4 Minutes to see how I interact with fellow players lol. I start steaming everyday between 3pm to around 10pm CST
  24. zombietampons

    We have a noob friendly server!

    Custom Loot added to our loot tables!!