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Everything posted by ed8020

  1. ed8020

    Problems I encounter (Help)

    Lots of good advice here. It took me a couple days to get the hang of managing zombie trains. Away from buildings run in a straight line through bushes. After you get a few bushes between you and the zeds go into a crouch and watch over your shoulder. You'll lose a few every time, but some are very tenacious. Pine trees are the best. Stand in the middle of one and they will walk right past you. If you can get your "sight" meter to 2 bars and no sounnd, almost all zeds will miss you. If you can quickly go prone under a tree or a cluster of bushes they will also miss you. Break their line of sight at any opportunity. Just spend a couiple hours practicing these tactics and life will get MUCH easier. Your first objective should always be an axe. Listed range is 1 meter but it really looks more like 2. After it's in your inventory, right click on it and "remove from toolbelt". That will put it in your primary weapon slot. IMMEDIATELY "reload" it. Practice with it. Axes are found in Farm and industrial spawns. After a while you will turn the tables and start hunting THEM. Zeds carry food, drink and bandages. You can live off them for quite a while. Someone mentioned Deer Stands. Deer stands have morphine. Soldier zeds carry morphine. ALways try and get at least a couple morphines before you commit to a long game. Your second objective should be a backpack. Stores, houses and apartment buildings are the place to find these. Once you get the hang of using the axe, searching buildings actually gets fun. I try to avoid putting anything in my starter pack. It makes swapping packs a lot faster. Once you have a bigger pack, THEN you can think about carrying a rifle of some sort. Once you have a rifle in your pack, it's easy to switch between axe and rifle. I usually just carry an axe and a 1911. The pistol is for people. Most of your hostile encounters will be with snipers so just KEEP MOVING. Most snipers I've encountered have a big gun but no idea how to use it. Most of the rest will be at pistol range. Remember, even the loudest pistol is qieter than any rifle (except for SD) and the axe is SILENT. Use an axe and all you only have to worry about is whats at the door, not whats down the street. Silence is GOLDEN.
  2. ed8020

    Swift Gaming Private HIVE

    Yeah, I don't see that happening. I've already given this more effort than it's worth. I've already supplied all the info necessary. Oh yeah, PACIFIC time zone. Deal with it, or don't.
  3. ed8020

    Swift Gaming Private HIVE

    Received the following SInce you can't actually "forward" an email to a web site address I went through the steps to join. Never received verification email and I have triple checked to make sure I used the right address. I get into the forum, go to the Ban Appeals subforum, click on "Appeal Format" and I get this Click on "Resend activation code" and I get this Considering that your ban appeals subforum is devoid of any posts other than something about "Job Applications" this is probably a waste of my time. AND considering that there was only 4 or 5 people on the server at the time, I think it's safe to assume that the sniper in question was probably the one who booted "US". I say "US" because after my boot, there was only one person on the server. This is already more hassle than it's worth. Go ahead and have your own little private "Hogan's Alley", but at least be honest about it. I don't appreciate getting lied to but I REALLY don't appreciate being lied ABOUT. I don't cheat. So far, this is not going well.
  4. ed8020

    Swift Gaming Private HIVE

    Banned because someone thought I was teleporting. Appeal just sent to gmail. We'll see how this goes.
  5. ed8020

    Infinite Hourglass- Tried Everything!

    I like a program that actually WORKS, if thats what you mean. I don't care if it's a "look alike". DayZ is just a STALKER look alike. And STALKER had a pretty damned good ballistics model so there goes THAT edge. And they are ALL (CoD, BF, whatever) just a remake of Rainbow Six. So save it for your friends. When you use words like "retards" I know exactly where you're coming from.
  6. ed8020

    Infinite Hourglass- Tried Everything!

    Yeah, I've been stuck on the coast by Otmel for 3 days now. If I uninstall this game again I AM NOT going to reinstall it. WORKAROUND: This problem does not follow me to private servers so there is something wrong with the hive. SOLUTION: As soon as it is released, pick up a copy of WarZ. It's the only thing these people understand. And before you start, YES these people are getting stuck for f****** HOURS. The only thing you can do with your keyboard is Ctrl-Alt-Del or Alt f4. No chance of calling out in any channel for someone to come kill you. And please don't start with the "it's an alpha mod" crap. The second they announced the stand alone it became a test bed and advertisement for the stand alone. And let me explain how the average consumer looks at this. Once this product hits my sh** list I will NEVER by another product from Bohemia. When they hired Rocket full time and took over production of the stand alone they also bought ALL the associated head aches. FIX THIS or I am done with BI. And word of mouth can break this game just as fast as it made it. Seriously folks, WarZ is looking pretty good. Player ID 36154694