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About VDOboy

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    On the Coast
  1. When you officially look like an asshole, that's when
  2. Even Oculus Rift cannot replicate the true peripherals of the human eye. All 3rd person does is add the awareness that a normal human would have of their surroundings. Its a program based on technology that can't replicate our reality (including all our senses as humans), So I think it's fine
  3. To be honest my experience was similar to yours (and most people I know). I was about ready to quit forever, yet my friend convinced me to stick it out. I started getting better (playing ARMA 2 really helps) and noticed I was dying less. I met up with my friend and we've been surviving for weeks now. Well we do like 2-3 hours a night every other day... But I've had some of my best gaming experiences out of it. Once you realise how easy it is to lose everything, you cherish staying alive that much more - that's where the tension comes from. So in a way, DayZ almost HAS to rip you down and say "look, this isn't like other games ok?". Including bugs (which I've lost many items to bugs). Get past the hump, I'll team up with you if you want, I'm a hero! Bandits are horrible human beings, but a part of dayz. Stick it out
  4. So after updating arma 2/dayz the other day, I keep randomly getting kicked from the game. My buddy says it says something like "wrong weapons.pbo file" or somethin like that. Sometimes I can play for like 30 mins, sometimes 5... Anyone have this happen? Debating gettin all new gear, dunno if that's fix er tho