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Everything posted by Violence

  1. Violence

    DesolateChris Trade Post

    If one would trade with you, what will be the conditions?
  2. I have an M24; wanna trade it for one M14 Aim?
  3. Violence

    Raffle for NVG and M9 SD

    33, again.
  4. Well, fuck, I'm dead and I lost my traded M14 Aim. I need another one, and along with it, a SVD Dragunov (obviously camo). Will be okay even if you have just one of the two weapon; i could done two different trade without any problem. Just ask what you want for them. (Rules of trade: EU empty server, on the coast, just me and you).
  5. Violence

    Looking for an M14 Aim - SVD Dragunov.

    Write to me a name of an Australian server; i'll check my ping. (And i cannot accept donation; what you want for the M14?).
  6. Violence

    Empty/Disappeared Tents.

    Noboby has found that tents, i camped there till the schedule restart. And yes, i put on some stuff, i save the tents and everything disappear the same. ._. (On LU259 tents was gone and now they're back with everything; just the others (in others empty server) which was empty rest empty. I added more stuff, just to try, saved them and at the restart, they were empty again).
  7. Violence

    Looking for an M14 Aim - SVD Dragunov.

    Got the SVD Dragunov; still looking for an M14 Aim.
  8. Violence

    Pick a number for a free l85

  9. Violence

    Traders and Traitors

    +1 also for IndyAM, was a fair and fast trade; awesome. ;D
  10. Violence

    Looking for an M14 Aim - SVD Dragunov.

    Thank you, but I just need the M14 Aim, few minutes ago i've arranged a trade for the SVD Camo. What do you want for that weapon?
  11. Violence

    Honey Badgers Trading Post LLC.

    I need an M14 Aim; just tell me what you want for that.
  12. Violence

    Dayz = PvP

    Dayz is based on PVP? Dafaq? You're confusing this game with CoD. Go play that, will be better for you and for us.
  13. Same problem here... multiple tents in multiple tents... and now, after a restart, they're all empty or disappeared. ._.
  14. Okay, seems that for me is impossibile to find that gun. So i offer you, in change of that: -Mk 48 Mod 0 + Ghillie/Camo. Or -AS50 + Ghillie/Camo. Or -NightVision Goggle + Ghillie/Camo. Or -Rangefinder + Ghillie/Camo. Or -RangeFinder + NightVision Goggle.
  15. Violence

    Anyone has an M240? I offer good stuff.

    Trade done, i've my M240.
  16. Violence

    Traders and Traitors

    +1 also to Paddy0610 ; great trade, fast and fair.
  17. Violence

    Need - Mountain Dew

    I could give you an M24, if you have an M240.
  18. Violence

    [Trading] Tents!

    Deal. Add me on Steam, i'm DeathToUs (If everything will be fine, i could give you also an extra camo clothing).
  19. Violence

    Anyone has an M240? I offer good stuff.

    Two M24; no M107, but i've an AS50.
  20. Violence

    Traders and Traitors

    Same here. +1 Point to Apostryphy Edit: Bear, add me on the list if you can. Thx.
  21. Violence

    [Trading] Tents!

    How many tents could you give me for a Ghillie?
  22. Violence

    Looking for SVD Camo

    I have two M24, i could give it to you for a SVD Camo.
  23. Violence

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    What do you want for an M240?