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About kamikazepowah

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

Profile Information

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  1. kamikazepowah

    Looking To Make A Dayzero BMRF Group 4-5 Players!

    Age: I am 21 years old, so age shouldnt be an issue. Teamwork: I'm quite used to teamwork and squadplay, although my previous squad disbanded it was a great ride while it lasted. Honest: If I make a mistake, the mistake and responsibility is mine and I'll be honest about it, and not try to cover it in any way. However i will not take part in any "pointing fingers" policy Attitude and sense of humor: Well any game is about having fun, so without proper attitude and a good sense of humor its kinda pointless ;)
  2. kamikazepowah

    The Bandit Recon Skin

    The best one i could find
  3. Ingame Name - [RSB] Jorgen Is time ok? - Yes If no, my preferred time - N/A Weapon/Loadout idea - Enfields <3 Use direct chat for realism - No
  4. kamikazepowah

    delete please, old post

    delete please
  5. Hey [RSB] Jorgen here, "leader" of the RSB clan/squad. We are new to this server and consist of 5 members total, 3 of us are very active! I have a suggestion where we turn this clan war into a threeway (dont get any nasty ideas kids), from my understanding GBYC and MNG are both friendly except towards eachother, and GBYC are bandit hunters. So my suggestion is that our clan, RSB becomes the servers official "bad guys". In my opinion this will create a interesting game experience where survivors seek GBYC and MNG for protection and shelter from the roaming bandits and other criminal scum, and maybe other single bandits will be drawn towards us to share the spoils of thievery and murder. I want to inform you that we are NOT going to ruin new spawns gameplay by camping the coast, other than that we are bandits all the way to the core and will be roaming the north in search for prey. If our proposal is accepted i will greatly appriciate if we can be represented by the following skin: this way we are distinct from other bandits.
  6. -Name komplett -Location norway -GUID 8f64a7fd1767c50b45f25a950606e70a
  7. Squad Looking for home Name [RSB] Jorgen -Location Norway -GUID 37dab9629192bea1e4a65d61c7ff542d Name [RSB] Slorgos -Location Belgium -GUID 1891564c88e6329bffc532790fcfdbd3
  8. kamikazepowah

    old post

  9. kamikazepowah

    old post

    bump it up!
  10. kamikazepowah

    old post

  11. kamikazepowah

    old post

    old post