Steam ID: Xekest In-game ID: Xekiest Approx. Hours: 30+ Specialty/ Skills: Scout, Looter, Lookout/Sentry, Sniper, Runner, Get-Shit-And-Get-The-Fuck-Out Guy, Obeying Orders, hiding, sneaking, and killing. Additional Info: Only kill when necessary, I try not to do it unless my hand is forced. will usually just scare off people with some DMR bullets downrange. Can't fly or drive for shit.. like.. if we had a chopper and we are surronded by zombies and stuff.. and told me to fly it.. i would take my chances with the zombies O_o And i own a mic. Got an DMR, and a M9 SD, couple of blood packs, rangefinder, compass, watch, map, 2x ghillie suits not counting the one im wearing, and a GPS.