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Everything posted by koerake1

  1. koerake1

    Keyboard suddenly dies

    I was looting and suddenly keyboard died. Non of ingame controls on keyboard worked anymore, no tab, no escape, no movement, nothing. But mouse keeps working. Only ALT-Tab and force closing a game helps. After reloging it's working. I am using laptop with usb keyboard. This problem has been existing earlier also. What can cause this to happen and is there any fix for that or is it a game bug? Am i the only one?
  2. koerake1

    Keyboard suddenly dies

    No "bwommmp" sound, because game keeps running, i can do everythin with mouse, aim, shoot and thats basically it. Thanks for the fast replys. This problem wont happen too oftenly and i hope it will never happen again.
  3. koerake1

    Bug to report

    Killed a guy who had a FAL with .22 trumpet and of course i can't loot this body. I've seen, experienced and heard that looting bodies is a common problem. Looks like there a new physics system in a standalone(which arma isn't having - bodies rolling down a hill) with a corpses(more realistic again?) and they seem to be glitching because of that. Pretty awkward situation in a PVP survival game in where you should be able to gather your prize from a body.