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Posts posted by Atlas_

  1. So I was on the loot train on Namalsk and hit the underground military base. I hit the jackpot and was thoroughly stoked. At the back end of the bunker I came upon a tunnel leading downward.

    I could hear zombie moans coming from it so i figured what the hell and slowly crept down. Next thing I know my player drops (glitches) through the floor of the tunnel, falls into shallow water, and dies on impact.

    The weird part is, there was a poster of xibit on the roof/wall of the glitched area... WTF!? Pissed I cant reach my body to get all the gear I previously had.

    Anyone else see anything like this?

  2. Your very open about your child hood....uhm next less is more and ya what everyone else said..you can also change your appearance ya know just in case he recognizes your avatar.....pick the one with the aviator shades he'll never know it's you.

    Good Idea, my avatar is the Daft Punk helmets. It was playing while he did his thang behind me. I hope he doesnt put that together. OR SEE THIS THREAD! AHHH!!!

    On a serious note: Thanks for the advice everyone, and it didnt hurt as bad as I expected it to. He was always a gentle man...

  3. How do I change my players name in game? For some reason (steam i'm assuming) it defaulted to my first name. I was raped as a child by my priest and don't want to use my real name in game. I heard my priest plays DAYZ and don't wish to be recognized.

    Thanks in advance

  4. Well, last night I had the privilege of playing DAYZ (jogging simulator) for the first time! I also, learned a few things last night. Zombies can walk thru walls and pinpoint a gun shot's origin from 3 miles away, and don't get attached to your character.

    I spawned into Novy Sabor, which apparently is unusual because its in the dead center of the map. Long story short, me and my buddy (who is a seasoned vet) finally met up. He gears me out with a CZ 550 and lots of awesome gear he had saved up. We made our way down into a town with a grocery store and proceeded to get the lootz.

    While we were raving about all the neat stuff we found, and feeling giddy at the fact that we were armed to teeth with supplies and weapons, a random player barrels in the front door and shoots us both in the face... YOU ARE DEAD.

    Don't get me wrong. I am not complaining. This is what makes this game awesome to me, the fact that at any second you could get fucked right in your face.

    Looking forward to hitting it again tonight after work and if I see any randoms that are unresponsive... They are dead.

    • Like 2

  5. My old pc cant run day z very well so I have been on the lookout for a newer pc that can. I ran across this on new egg. Can you guys give me your feedback on the quality of game play I will get out of this pc?

    AMD FX-Series FX-6100(3.3GHz)

    8GB DDR3 500GB HDD Capacity

    Nvidia Geforce GT 610 1GB

    Seems like a decent deal but I dont want to order this just to return it.

    NewEgg bundle - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883229362

    Thanks in advance.
