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About DooM599

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    On the Coast
  1. DooM599

    [SA]Who you were before shit hit the fan .

    I've been thinking about stuff like this but ive also attempted to keep them from changing the game too radically, and that has always seemed impossible. I think there's just no logic in being able to fix a car or a helicopter, pilot a helicopter, and still be able to fix the leg of your friend. "Soldier" class would be something that should never get added, if anykind of class system at all. It won't fit DayZ, and the only classes that could be thought of are mechanic, pilot and doctor. And everybody of them can handle a gun, so they are soldiers also. That's too few professions if doing different things in DayZ requires your character to have profession-based skill for it. And making more professions could be a bit too artificial. And the "finding specific player" "quest", sounds a bit hilarious to me considering the nature of DayZ. In the end it could mean like "If you kill this person during your life you are lucky" because the person you're supposed to find might be more interested about what he/she gets by killing you rather than your epic quest. And what would the reward be, and who would give you that reward? It sounds nice but makes no sense in the end.
  2. DooM599

    [SA] No snipers, no choppers.

    Don't remove sniper rifles, not even the antimaterial ones. There are many possibilities how to make snipers balanced and actually simultaneosly make them more realistic. Instead of removing them forever, they could be i.e removed from the SA alpha and returned when certain balancing conditions are met. And remember we are talking about the upcoming standalone, not the ARMA2 mod! Problem 0: They are far too common! I've seen dozen-sized groups wearing ghillie suits and they all had antimaterial rifles and other helicrash weapons! Solution: You are considering the mod, not SA You have experienced this very likely because they exploited item duplication glitches or spawned stuff by hacking. It's gonna be standalone, duplicating and spawning stuff can be fixed. People will no more waste their ammo into worthless targets, or just turn one AS50 into ten and shove 9 of them into their tent, then after they die they can't just get a new one like some can in the current version of DayZ mod. I've seen alot of camps full of high-end gear, and im pretty sure they were achieved by exploiting. This is the reason why people sit sniping freshspawns, the disappointing truth is that in DayZ mod you will never run totally out of ammo. Currently, if you kill a sniper who appears to be a player exploiting duplication glitches or just simply cheating, it won't mean there is one sniper-player less around, it means he/she will just return with the same gear, and this might take only a hour. That should not be possible in the standalone, if it is, then ALL rare & powerful weapons shall be removed totally. Problem 1: You can zero your gun with a few button presses in ARMA2/DayZ mod, even in a middle of the fight. This makes them highly flexible in any long range combat, and you don't need that much skill or knowledge to use snipers for different distances. Solution: There should be a REALISTIC zeroing system in the game. In real world, you just won't start a firefight by checking how far your target is and then zero your gun in 2-5 seconds to that distance to get an accurate shot using the dot in the middle of your scope. Currently, you just press page up or page down to make your gun zeroed to a fixed distance like 500m or 600m. In real world, you need to determine if it's zeroed correct by shooting to a target set to a specific distance and then checking if it hit the target correctly. It won't take you seconds, it will take much more, rendering it almost impossible to zero your gun while a fight if your target is aware of you. A real world like system would make you spend time alone just adjusting the gun, and beside that you need to foresee whatkind of distances your targets will be in, which is hard. You would need to waste bullets doing this, and you would alert zombies and players to you because of the noise. You would need a couple of friends to be keep you safe while you're sniping or just zeroing the gun. It would make all snipers turn as difficult and skill demanding as DMR, you aren't going to use the middle dot of your scope to aim the target unless the target is at the distance you zeroed your sniper to earlier. Problem 2: You can just find a sniper and it's ammo and then use it right after that. A freshspawn might just run into a helicrash, find an antimaterial rifle and get killing people. Solution 1: Make them even more rare They're gonna be truly rare after item duplication and spawning is completely prevented. I won't care about a threat if I have a 0,0001% chance of encountering one, and the players who killed me have trained for hundreds of hours, and seen much effort to just get their gear. I'd rather be impressed than annoyed if i meet a well established group able to take me using experience and effort, especially because it's possible to make them rare Solution 2: You might find a gun with missing, broken or worn parts and you need to replace them This would make getting snipers demand more than just luck. Say, you could find a rifle without a scope, because someone took the scope because his weapon's scope was broken but his gun was otherwise in a fine condition. Then you would have to find a gun with a scope that fits it. There would be broken parts which cannot be repaired, and the condition of your gun parts reduces by every shot you take, and when a part reaches 0% condition that part will be useless. This would make people also consider the shot's effect to their gun beside wasting bullets, before taking a worthless shot. There could be fixed rates for the way specific guns appear, like you could never find an antimaterial rifle without a broken or missing part. So a weapon condition system could make getting and maintaining snipers almost as difficult as for vehicles. Many people skip the opportunity to repair a car in the mod if it's likely that they can't find the parts for it considering the efforts and benefits cars have, so why would you want to pick up a broken AM sniper, and then try to find another to replace the broken part(s)? Maybe because you've got well communicating friends who can deal with the zombies and players if you meet them. But you won't pick one up if you're just hanging around alone and trying to find better weaponry to protect yourself, especially if you have a choice to pick a different weapon with superior condition compared to that overpowered low-condition sniper rifle. I'd like to see a detailed weapon condition system like this, but i don't know if it's gonna be too tough to make all weapons able to be disassembled. EDIT: Problem 3: They make no sense in Chernarus Solution: Change the lore a little bit Im unaware that there is official lore for DayZ at the moment, but can't the other nations just try to investigate or help chernarus in middle of a zombie apocalypse? NATO, BAF etc. weapons would make sense if they were found only on helicrashes or somekind of temporary looking military bases which appear randomly, if it's possible, surrounded by dead soldiers. Of course there could be dead soldiers around just because of underestimation and unawariness towards the threat. Or the infection could spread through air, which leads to helicopters and cars crashing, and the survivors are the only ones immune to the infection. In case you thought it was Too Long and you Didin't Read.. In overall, snipers should be extremely bad for close combat which requires you to have friends covering you, they should require luck to find any, maybe find two before getting one working, should require time and effort to get them working, should make zeroing non-changeable during fight's, their avaiblity should be so tough that you aren't just gonna kill people for fun using military snipers, and if there was no item duplication glitches/item spawning nobody of you would complain about them at all because they would be so rare.
  3. DooM599

    Pay a development company to make DAYZ

    Maybe somebody with a time machine should bring the OP into 2010 and tell Notch to contact EA so they he could have used Frostbite engine for Minecraft? Just think about how awesome the gr4ph1c5 would have looked and how much faster the game would have been released! You could throw the topic to the graveyard already..
  4. Server: DayZ - FI 27 ( [3P:0|CH:0|GMT+2] dayzmod.com - Hardcore Unicorn Madness! Date/Time: Somewhere between 16.9.2012 21:00 and 17.9.2012 21:15 Location: 008090 , northwest from Zelenogorsk Video proof: Sorry for bad video editing, I had to do this in haste. Close to my tent I had put there 2 days ago, I found three tents containing hacked items on FI 27 today, I also found many standing dead bodies which appeared to belong to a player called "Kocmoc". First I didin't realise it and picked up the PDW SD from his backpack, but then I checked from the wiki that it doesn't exist in dayz and put it into one of the tents, where I found an AS50 TWS, a G36C SD and some mines. Yesterday at 21:00 the tents weren't there yet, and I found them today 17.9.2012 somewhere in 21:00 - 21:15 The server restarted this morning on 2012-09-17 09:55, and possibly caused mine and my friends tent to bug empty, so it's very likely that he put the tent there today, unless his/their tents would have been empty too. I also saw Kocmoc on the player list, but he had disconnected when I started capturing the video.