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About Garret_Zorn

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  1. The Z.O.R.N. group is requesting new members! What we need: - Medic Units - Guard Members - Recon Groups - Statistics What the groups do and consist of: Medic Units: Consist of 1-2 medics(depending on severity) and then have 1-2 guards(depending on location)The medic Units are Dispatched to anyway who needs any kind of medical attention ranging from broken bones to a band aid to painkillers Guard Members: Can range from any amount of people. The guards can have many missions from helping recon to medics or even transporting a person through churno. This is the riskiest of all groups but they get a weapon from me(Garret) Recon Groups: These groups consist of some guards. The recon groups go around the map and figure out where vehicles or items are. Statistics: Consist of people who are willing to keep track of zombies killed, Bandits killed, Players killed, Players saved, and Items found. This job you have to be smart and willing to write stuff down including dates of things. Information: The server we play is called: Derpville DayZ (unwhitelisted 1) Ip of it is: It is a private hive so we can not help your main account Skype name: paul.zorn Teamspeak ip: lats.vortexservers.com:9988 How to join Z.O.R.N. Join the teamspeak channel or add my skype Say you want to join Z.O.R.N. MUST HAVE A MICROPHONE! You must also know your way around Churnarus You should also know how to work in a firefight(great thing to know)
  2. Thanks i will edit it now and put them in
  3. The Z.O.R.N. group is requesting new members! What we need: - Medic Units - Guard Members - Recon Groups - Statistics What the groups do and consist of: Medic Units: Consist of 1-2 medics(depending on severity) and then have 1-2 guards(depending on location)The medic Units are Dispatched to anyway who needs any kind of medical attention ranging from broken bones to a band aid to painkillers Guard Members: Can range from any amount of people. The guards can have many missions from helping recon to medics or even transporting a person through churno. This is the riskiest of all groups but they get a weapon from me(Garret) Recon Groups: These groups consist of some guards. The recon groups go around the map and figure out where vehicles or items are. Statistics: Consist of people who are willing to keep track of zombies killed, Bandits killed, Players killed, Players saved, and Items found. This job you have to be smart and willing to write stuff down including dates of things. Information: The server we play is called: Derpville DayZ (unwhitelisted 1) Ip of it is: It is a private hive so we can not help your main account Skype name: paul.zorn Teamspeak ip: lats.vortexservers.com:9988 How to join Z.O.R.N. Join the teamspeak channel or add my skype Say you want to join Z.O.R.N. MUST HAVE A MICROPHONE! You must also know your way around Churnarus You should also know how to work in a firefight(great thing to know)
  4. yeah currently working on finding new server
  5. Garret_Zorn

    New DayZ group

    if you were added on skype you can join group otherwise your beat on
  6. Garret_Zorn

    New DayZ group

  7. Garret_Zorn

    New DayZ group

    Ok i added you
  8. Garret_Zorn

    New DayZ group

    Application: IGN: Age: Skype: Microphone: What do you do best?(ex. medic, sniper, guard):
  9. The Z.O.R.N. group is requesting new people! What we need: - Medic Units - Guard Members - Recon Groups - Statistics What the groups do and consist of: Medic Units: Consist of 1-2 medics(depending on severity) and then have 1-2 guards(depending on location)The medic Units are Dispatched to anyway who needs any kind of medical attention ranging from broken bones to a band aid to painkillers Guard Members: Can range from any amount of people. The guards can have many missions from helping recon to medics or even transporting a person through churno. This is the riskiest of all groups but they get a weapon from me(Garret) Recon Groups: These groups consist of some guards. The recon groups go around the map and figure out where vehicles or items are. Statistics: Consist of people who are willing to keep track of zombies killed, Bandits killed, Players killed, Players saved, and Items found. This job you have to be smart and willing to write stuff down including dates of things. Server we play on: The server we play is called: DayZ23 Ip of it is: It is a private hive so we can not help your main account How to join Z.O.R.N. Add my Skype: paul.zorn OR pm me Say you want to join Z.O.R.N. MUST HAVE A MICROPHONE!!!
  10. The Z.O.R.N. group is requesting new people! What we need: - Medic Units - Guard Members - Recon Groups - Statistics What the groups do and consist of: Medic Units: Consist of 1-2 medics(depending on severity) and then have 1-2 guards(depending on location)The medic Units are Dispatched to anyway who needs any kind of medical attention ranging from broken bones to a band aid to painkillers Guard Members: Can range from any amount of people. The guards can have many missions from helping recon to medics or even transporting a person through churno. This is the riskiest of all groups but they get a weapon from me(Garret) Recon Groups: These groups consist of some guards. The recon groups go around the map and figure out where vehicles or items are. Statistics: Consist of people who are willing to keep track of zombies killed, Bandits killed, Players killed, Players saved, and Items found. This job you have to be smart and willing to write stuff down including dates of things. Server we play on: The server we play is called: DayZ23 Ip of it is: It is a private hive so we can not help your main account How to join Z.O.R.N. Add my Skype: paul.zorn OR pm me Say you want to join Z.O.R.N. MUST HAVE A MICROPHONE!!!
  11. Garret_Zorn

    DayZ Groups

    Dayz23 is a private hive where we have 3 groups that can be helped or be killed. All the fun of dayz without loosing your main accounts stuff if you die! Join in by searching DayZ23 or using the ip:
  12. Must have a skype+mic Should have something to contribute EX. Food, drink, guns, ammo, vehicles mature preferred age 17+ Add my skype paulzorn
  13. Hey I have been playing with my brothers for a while now and I got tired of being threatend by them, so I am starting a group where it is safe we can work together and not have to worry. If you want to join Add my Skype - paulzorn or my steam - Garret-Zorn you must have a mic some experiance at playing and should have somthing to contribute to the group