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About NarcoticSuite

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    On the Coast

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  1. NarcoticSuite

    I don't want to start this alone :(

    Should this not be in the newbie section? Anyway; Having a group can make your time a lot easier - if you can trust them! I would recommend trying solo at least once. Just to get a feel for that initial fear, excitement and paranoia you can only get when you're a Bambi - plus it gives you the experience of being able to handle things on your own because lets face it, at some point you will be spilt from your group :D
  2. NarcoticSuite

    Keep dying on spawn?

    Adding -world=Chernarus as a launch parameter seems to have worked for some people.
  3. I take it the M4A1_Aim_camo isn't the M4A1 CCO with the woodland pattern?
  4. NarcoticSuite

    This game is PvP not PvE

    As stated previously about a billion* times all over this forum, people are entitled to play it as they see fit. What I don't understand is why people choose to play this as DM when there are so many other games out there that do it better. What's the appeal exactly? There's zombies? You already don't care about those - If it's killing, looting, in and around Elektro and Cherno that gives you satisfaction why aren't you simply playing ARMA DM? As previously hinted at in this thread, I think the issue is because there is no 'real' reward for either being a bandit or banding together, helping each other out etc The humanity is a start but lacks the depth for it to be an enticing, dynamic element of the mod. I'm sure with things like degrading gear and weapons etc in the standalone will force a different or a more generalised play style out of most people. We will just have to sit tight and make the best of what we've got. *This number is backed up by no evidence.
  5. NarcoticSuite

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I imagine that's the case for most but for me it's being able to have somewhere/some place to call your own. A base of operations to move out from and return to. I hope with the standalone you'll be able to occupy buildings, fortify settlements and defend it against zombies and other people - Ideally that's what I hope for but having a few tents, around a camp fire in the wilderness is the next best thing for me in DayZ. Surviving is hoarding mate. If I can't stockpile useful things on my travels then there isn't much point leaving the coastline.
  6. NarcoticSuite

    This game is PvP not PvE

    Well according to pretty much every piece of zombie fiction I've read or seen; The 'survivors' downfall is usually caused by the people and never the zombies. If it's the people that scare you then DayZ has got it spot on lol. I do get where you're coming from though ;)
  7. NarcoticSuite

    Player joins server with a dog???!?!

    There are many things which are long winded. People complaining about various bugs. Which update didn't get fixed. How other people choose to play the game and so on. At the end of the dat it's a forum for discussion where people are entitled to their opinion or in some cases, are just looking for peace of mind. If you feel a topic isn't relevant to you then; Don't read. Don't post. Nuff said.
  8. NarcoticSuite

    Player joins server with a dog???!?!

    Yo long time lurker, first time poster here; Me and my small group of friends encountered this on DE 1729. We were doing a run through Polana at night when a German Shepard made a run at us in the supermarket. It pulled in a few zombies as well and then disappeared out of town - That was bizarre by itself as we didn't believe Dogs were implemented yet but as we were leaving town, making our way up the hillside of Malinovka a truck came out of nowhere and made a B-Line for us. Two Russian players got out, exchanged words - seemed civil enough until they opened fire on us, killing one of my friends lol. I can only suspect that one of them was the dog initially as those two players were the only others on the server. It would be quite a coincidence for them to find us like that. That was an odd evening lol.