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Dictator (DayZ)

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About Dictator (DayZ)

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  1. Dictator (DayZ)

    Vilayer Server help

    I'm home right now , so if you wish me to try and make it for you just make a username via User Management .
  2. Dictator (DayZ)

    Vilayer Server help

    The server should have been set up everything by default , you just have to place your settings in config files and start it . I'll be home in about 30 minutes or 40 . Currently going back from work on a bus . Try playing with settings in configuration files , of course while the server is stopped , and trying to stop and running it again - last time I used the support they have answered after 6 hours or so. I suggest you still play around with settings and mods/updates uninstalling and installing back + make sure you have latest update of vilayer installed
  3. Dictator (DayZ)

    Vilayer Server help

    If it has started , it takes about 5 minutes to fully start working. So it shall be fine in few minutes , if not just reload the game.
  4. Dictator (DayZ)

    Vilayer Server help

    I'd try installing / reinstalling the mods and the latest update if it's possible after it , the update says it should fix the problem with loading the server . If you wish , I'll be back at home in like 2 hours just create a user for me for few minutes and I'll try to set things up of you don't figure it out or get an answer from the support . Let's just say I had something very similar to this at the very start , but it turned on fine as long as I remember .
  5. Dictator (DayZ)

    Vilayer Server help

    Oh nvm it won't start , the newest update says it shall fix the start problem I think lemme check it one moment .
  6. Dictator (DayZ)

    Vilayer Server help

    There is a mod manager , uninstall your current map ( btw database stays untouched ) then try installing the newest patch . Eventho it might be a bit more problematic since you are not even able to stop the server . And I guess we are on the same boat for now the Max vehicles you are able to set on all of the maps can't exceed 30 sadly . Hopefully it gets changed in the future .
  7. Dictator (DayZ)

    Vilayer Server help

    Also before you apply any settings you must stop the server . Sorry for the double post just don't have edit since I'm browsing on phone :P
  8. Dictator (DayZ)

    Vilayer Server help

    Tried stoping the server and uninstalling everything before proceeding on the new update installation ? Also I'd love to know what is the max vehicle amount you set or been able to set .
  9. Just to remind , vilayer currently supports only 30 vehicles per server. Hopefully they will understand it's very low and increase it in the near future ... If not guess i'll just try to find somebody else or stop with the hosting idea :P.
  10. You know if you watched the kill and the chat , that probably not the kill it self got him banned anyways.
  11. After all the shit you have talked on the chat , no wonder that you were banned =/ I mean yes you were killed , and then u revenge your death , but you keep on splitting shit into the chat nonstop ...
  12. Dictator (DayZ)

    Vilayer server few questions .

    Kinda false way to think that the game is free if you ask me since you still have bought arma 2 which lets you play the dayz mod and many others . And yes it's a blitz hive , but I've got restrictions on file editing, so there are only that many options . Besides I do not have a computer to host my own server myself nor my connection can actually handle such a big task ; I've got 50mbit download and only 1.2 mbit upload or just abit more
  13. Dictator (DayZ)

    Vilayer server few questions .

    While It may be an easy thing to do while you are having an access to the files , it's just becoming a bit more complicated when we are talking about gameservers ;) I think you have an dedicated server on vilayer ;) so we are talking about different things.
  14. Dictator (DayZ)

    Vilayer server few questions .

    Well , dunno if the loot really dependable on amount of players and even if so ; I still think the spawns are strange abit , but this not really a problem . I'd love to know if the # of vehicles you can set is somehow dependable on the amount of player slots on server . I do not understand how some people have 60 on lingor while I'm capped at 30 on all of the maps.
  15. Dictator (DayZ)

    Vilayer server few questions .

    I'm currently running a private server to test all the things out , and of course mainly that would be the vehicles - so i dont get any overloads with the server it works just fine with 5-6 people on it . Still , except for the cars which i'm awaiting response from support right now to this matter ( and yes I already received one answer so their support works too :) ) I've got another strange thing going on the server , well at least i haven't seen anything like that anywhere else it seems . The spawning of stuff inside the houses is strange , I mean most of the spawn appears only when you run into the place and wait few minutes around - when you aproach a new city , it's empty for a few minutes and slowly fills with loot. Is that like that for all the servers or something outstanding ?