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About acconda

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    On the Coast
  1. acconda

    ALT+F4 and Abort FIX

    I find that people that disconnect by either alt + f4 or abort wont log back in on the same server. I posted a my ideas on the forums yesterday, where I also have a solution for this. I quote from my own post: "First of all I would like to see some changes to prevent players to preform disconnection and alt + F4 in a fight. - My suggestions for that are as follows: Players needs to "sleep" (new animation) or have to sit down at least 10 to 20 seconds before the log out button will be available. Alt + F4 / loosing connection can be prevented by having the player to stand there for 30 seconds after the connection have been lost. There could be a panic animation for this and the player may scream for the 30 second." This and several other ideas and suggestions of mine can be found on my post http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/92408-ideas-for-dayz-standalone/
  2. acconda

    Ideas for DayZ Standalone

    Okey, sorry for that then. Didn't do too much research if they were or not. Only one I looked at was Padly's post tbh.. :|
  3. acconda

    Ideas for DayZ Standalone

    Okey cool man, I didn't do to much research if these where confirmed or not. About the blood stations I was more thinking that if you stand near it you can blood bag your self. Just to get the though in the DayZ teams head is enough to get some similar thing implemented in the game. :)
  4. I've come up with some some ideas and suggestions for the DayZ standalone. These ideas are realistic and are probably not groundbreaking and will not change DayZ from the original theme and genre. The ideas and suggestions are realistically thought through and is not silly by any way. First of all I would like to see some changes to prevent players to preform disconnection and alt + F4 in a fight. - My suggestions for that are as follows: Players needs to "sleep" (new animation) or have to sit down at least 10 to 20 seconds before the log out button will be available. Alt + F4 / loosing connection can be prevented by having the player to stand there for 30 seconds after the connection have been lost. There could be a panic animation for this and the player may scream for the 30 seconds. Secondly I think that the current Zombie / Infected spawning are a bit broken, it works fine for the mod but it may need change. As it currently works now the Zombies spawn within 200 meters which may cause that it is easier to track if there is nearby players. -To change this up I zombies spawn only in towns and cities and not in single houses, there can be a region where to zombies spawns randomly inside of that region. The region may be activated to spawn zombies when a player reaches within 500 to 700 meters. (This of course will be an optimization question) - I think that some Zombies should actually walk instead of running, they may walk faster when they have spotted a player. About 50% should walk and 50% run, of the standing zombies. - I also would like to see zombie packs which goes for the closest players within 2000 meters, these zombies walks slowly in the approximately direction towards the closest player. When they are not within range of 2k meters of a player they might follow a fixed patrol route or highways. - If you have aggroed or got spotted by zombies, you could lure them in to an animal. And the zombie would kill the animal, and maybe eat it. This will of course distract them and you as a survivor can get away. (this might be a balance issue whether to eat the animal or not or if this should be a chance) - When a player get killed by a zombie the player should raise/spawn a zombie AI (computer controlled) which looks like the player with the only different that it will be unarmed and have zombie face, the cloths however, will be the same as the player. This would be a cool feature which will trick players to think it might be a player. (imagine zombie in a ghillie suit.. :) I have also heard that more buildings shall be more accessible. But I would like to see that most loot-able stuff would not be on the floor or ground but rather on tables, in cabinets, benches etc. And this is a post apocalyptic world, which I would believe that people would barricade their doors and windows. So I would also like to see barricaded houses which can be entered by breaking it up with an axe or crowbar (maybe the crowbar actually come in handy). This can easily be done by using glass as the barricade and edit the texture to planks. When you have survived with a character for a long time, you get really afraid of dying. And have equally chance for dying as of a bandit with a L85A2 than a survivor with a lee enfield. ;) So I would like to see body armor implemented in police stations or at military bases. This should be a very rare item. When you and your buddies finally got lucky enough to find a vehicle, but find out that the vehicle needs to repair everything. Wheels and Engine are rare when you really need it. I think that wheels should come in two - four stacks in garages and sheds. And main rotor assembly should be more common inside air hangars. New features which could be considered: - Hunting knife should be used to slaughter an animal. It could also be used to fight with, similar to the crowbar damage. - There should be blood stations inside hospitals which makes it able to give your self a blood bag. - Attachments such as silencer, scope etc. can be changed. Also paining and camouflage if you are at a working bench or have the tools for it. - Weapon durability should also be implemented such as rust and dirt on the weapon, this should cause the weapon to jam. - I have heard people want to have a locking system on vehicles, and if so this could be a lock which you can find and put on tent and vehicles. The lock should be either a 3 or 4 digits lock, can be brute-forced unlocked or if you have a toolbox it can be cut open. - Axe and crowbar should not replace primary weapon but can be used as a third and silence weapon as a weapon. - A small propeller airplane should be introduced and or some civilian helicopter with no guns. - Fishing should be implemented with a fishing pool and/or a net from a boat. - Handcuffs of zip tie (cable tie, plastic strips). With this you can wrap up the bandit in handcuffs of zip ties, the reason I would use zip ties is because it's simple and it can be broken fairly easily. The player that got the handcuffs will be unarmed. He may get a option in the scroll menu to break the handcuffs with a for example 20 seconds animation. This will alert the player that placed the handcuffs on that the prisoner tries to get free. And there is no danger of having the prisoner disconnect, because this will be alerted if he sits down or will have this sleep animation, as I mentioned. The following ideas are taken from Padla's earlier post which I think is great ideas: "#5. New "household/improvised" weapons for beginner civilian spawns: - Melee: Stick, Shovel, spetsnaz shovel (entrenching tool), baseball bat, baseball bat with nails, kitchen knife, hunting knife, hammer, axe, CHAINSAW (yeeees!... uses jerrycans as ammo) - Ranged: flare gun (one shell magazine, shoots flares similar to M203 grenade launcher. however they do damage to player/zombies), Tazer (knocks players out, inefective vs zombies), Bow, Nailgun (industrial spawn, short range, random low-moderate damage, uses nails as ammo), #6. Ability to craft weapons, devices from junk you find : Hammer + nails + baseball bat = Baseball bat with nails String + 3xempty can = crude alarm (makes loud noise when triggered) string + kitchen knife + stick = Makeshift Spear String + Grenade = explosive trap (will probably be overused kinda like barbed wire near firestation now to kill noobs, but will force people not to run through cities speed looting, and will defend your camps... Could present balance issues, should not credit kill to player) #7. Ability to upgrade vehicle to adapt them to post apocalyptic environment. Example: You may find a broken Ural, fix it to working condition, then add a spiked bumper, armored plating on the sides, engine upgrade and a machinegun on top to make it into a true zombie crusher. And it would look bad ass. (Google trucks made by mexican cartels. here is one)" Summary: - Preventing disconnecting and Alt + F4ing - Different zombie/infected spawn system - Zombie crawl, walk, and run - Zombie packs tracking down players - Lure Zombies to animals to distract them - When killed by zombies a zombie will spawn and look like you - Different looting places instead of stuff lying on the ground - House are barricaded and require an axe or crowbar - Small chance of spawning body armor - Wheels stacks and vehicles part more common in garages and sheds - Hunting knife slaughter and can be used as weapon - Blood stations at hospital - Change attachment on guns - Weapon durability - Lock vehicles and tents - Axe and crowbar not replacing primary slot - implement new air vehicles - Fishing with fishing pool and/or net - Handcuffs of zip tie - Ideas taken from Padla's post Leave a comment if you have an brilliant and realistic idea, maybe I can add it to the list. I will add ideas as I come up with one.. Thanks for your attention and hopefully some of these ideas will be reached to the DayZ developers.