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About Falconberger

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    On the Coast
  1. Alright Byr, I think the five of our little group our going to move on to a different server, dude. This one's turned into a bit of a mong-fest with a disproportionate amount of KoSers. Literally, the only person not to shoot at me, even when I've been unarmed, is Fudd. It's fine if people want to play this game as a harcore CoD, but that's just a bit too dumb a style of play for us.
  2. There seem to be little pockets of people working together as far as I can see. For me the KoS has been a little over the top recently with people panic-shooting at new spawns who pose very little threat. Though, in those instances, the players shooting have been new to the server (like me) so I can understand the anxiety. There are a few people who definitely play the game as something more than a retarded kiddy shoot-em-up.
  3. My character got reset again with no equipment in the wilderness. Not even a backback. Grim.
  4. I didn't see the shooter but he must've missed the bambi because three seconds later I saw him belting out of Cherno and up the hill, haha! I like having a few out and out killers who just perma-patrol the coast though - it makes it edgy as fuck to go and get medical supplies from the big towns. Conversely I hate it when everyone just plays team deathmatch. About 10% shit heads would work well for balancing I think. Right now I've got a small group of players together, so once we're set up I'll keep an eye out for you. I think there's only Fudd and one other guy who hasn't fired at me as soon as they've seen me <_<. The other guy ran off, haha!
  5. Cheers dude, I found the various client version installs. Just been on (prior to the server going down), trying to get my shit together after the city death-squads where shooting at anything that moved last night. :rolleyes:
  6. Ah, so you'd literally have to set the date every day to maintain an accurate cycle, gotcha.
  7. It was a tad bright in my opinion. Though that's not a bad thing if it's just like that during the full moon. The problem isn't that it was bright, but if it's going to be like that even when the moon isn't full. So long as there is a balance that follows the moon phases, from bright full moon, through first/last quarter, to pitch black nights during new moon then I think we're golden. **On a side note, I'm getting an 'incorrect server version'. Is there something that I need to update? edit:spelling
  8. Depends on your playstyle I reckon. If you're the kind of guy who finds himself mostly in the towns raiding for stuff then I'd probably not bother wearing one. However, if you're a wilderness guy, like me, then the ghillie would work wonders. I'd probably just set up a camp and leave it there when I was doing some town raiding and switch back when I'd gotten medical supplies.
  9. Alright guys, I'm going to give your server a go after being randomly insta killed with no one around me for the second time in two days on the regular ones! So if you see a random, wide-eyed Falconberger scuttling between buildings in Cherno through your sniper scope, have mercy on a beginner.