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Everything posted by Silentreaper127

  1. Silentreaper127

    Blogging DayZ

    Are you even going to continue this? just wondering :)
  2. Silentreaper127

    Armbands as a item not skin

    Ok im not suggesting "adding armbands" like everyone else says but im talking about a feature from armbands that could be added. this could also tie into clothes and such. I think it would be easier to explain this by presenting a example... Your in a group of two and are pursuing a large group of survivors and are able to kill two out of the 5 or 6 players before they escape in vehicles and that group doesn't know if the others are alive or not Now with what im suggesting you can take their clothes and armbands and presumably pose as members of the group and say you got away if you catch up with them. If they let you get close enough then you can kill them unless they notice you aren't their group members. this all is under the assumption the server doesn't have name tags enabled. But maybe you could have it were if you can find out the name of the person you killed you could have the name tag as that person for until you log off? So Thats my suggestion and please criticize and suggest tweaks to this idea constructively :)
  3. Silentreaper127


    i know its a little too early to make suggestions like this but i want to share this and see if anyone likes this and also from a few interviews i have seen the dev's want to implement more real world skills in the game, like using the stars to navigate without a compass, to add to the realism of the game. Gunsmithing isn't building your own gun necessarily , but I'm talking about modifying guns like making a barrel shorter or putting a scope that you may have found at a military base or someplace like that. repairing and cleaning guns could be included as well to add to the realism. for example, you could possibly make a gun which didnt have a magazine and modify it to have one if you had the real world knowledge to do so. I think you could also reload your spent shells and be able to modify the ammo.(hollow points or armor peirceing rounds for example. of course you could just reload the rounds without any modifications. I know this wouldn't be something you could do on the fly, but you could implement this with the bases that the dev's have been talking about. Now where would we find the equipment to reload ammo and modify weapons? well you could probaly find the reloading equipment at a military building or a industrial building. You could probably find a hacksaw in a industrial building or it could be included with the toolbox. Thats all i could think of right now... So please give suggestions and critize my post constructively (not just saying bad idea without a good reason please)
  4. Silentreaper127


    I have heard from different articles and such that Rocket is planning to make it to where you carry rounds and fill up the magazines and have that influence trading and such. Ok im going to assume that "Seconds" is modifying guns to have a magazine. I was just putting a example but you can modify some guns to have a larger mag or for some to take a mag it would just take looking it up and learning it and not being easy for people to do. Cause i dont want to see new spawns being able to find the equipment and make a shotty with alot more ammo(like 16 shells). For the third thing which is the reloading part im assumming: He can put it in the game and if you know how to do it then you can. by that i mean if you know how to control the machine and the order to put the gunpowder and such in the shells then it will let you. I've helped my fathers freinds reload spent shells and its not too hard to learn to do. Armor peirceing for vehicles to make it easier to disable them without a as-50 but with a smaller rifle. and you could also look up and try to learn how hollow points are make and make molds for them. This would go with underground bases and you possibly finding ores or just scrapping vehicles for metal. ] And in real life you could find a box of empty shotgun shells or shells on the floor and if you could reload them then they wouldn't be just junk. Im not talking about doing mass production for reloading ammo im talking about reloading about 4-6 mags worth of ammo which with a 20 round mag would be 80-120 rounds, but even with a 30 round mag I don't think it should be a stop by your base for 5 minutes and emerge with 20 mags filled with standard or modified rounds, Im talking about being there for 30 minutes to a hour reloading ammo . This would also encourage going to your base more often than for dropping off loot or getting supplies. Realistically do you use more than 6 magazines per loot run in a couple towns or a military base? :) And like you said there is a possibility of messing up your gun but that adds to the need to know the proper way and not just half assing it to where you may have double the amount of rounds in half the time then if you reloaded them properly but you would have double the amount of duds and rounds that can reduce accuracy and blowing up in your face, so it adds to more chance but reloading your ammo is just so you dont go into a gunfight with a AKM as a club. :D
  5. Silentreaper127

    Blogging DayZ

    love reading the blog keep it up! :D
  6. Silentreaper127

    ALT+F4 and Abort FIX

    You could do multiple tags i guess.... lets say thered are two groups with 3 ppl in each group just tag each person who hit who so player 1 from group A got hit by player 1 and 2 from group 2 those tags could be put on the perticular player and theres the time it lasts. would that work? :)
  7. Silentreaper127

    ALT+F4 and Abort FIX

    I've Played Minecraft pvp servers for a bit and i think the concept they use to prevent alt+f4 and disconnecting is that they have them Combat tagged for a certain amount of time until one f the combatants dies. Now theres two ways they do this they either spawn an Npc that stands still for a short amount of time (5-10 mins) or they kill the person outright and the other combatant can get their stuff. I think that this could be applied to dayz Servers quite easily. tell me if im wrong :)