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Everything posted by Skin69niks

  1. Skin69niks

    Best suggestion list

    Damnyourdeadman, you sir are a good neighbor. Have some beans.
  2. Skin69niks

    Rest in Peace | First Person | Private Shard | NO Persistence

    We had a bit of a score to settle so we kicked a neighbors door in and took over their fridge...they may need to stock up because the boys and I ate 'em out of house and home!! Hop on TS tonight Vex!
  3. Skin69niks

    RIP searches for the UN

    This is map wide gentlemen. Not only will you find the NW hazardous to UN members, you can ask Doc how his experience in Zelenegorsk was yesterday as well. When I left him he was cooling off rapidly...a blank stare in his cold, dead eyes. To the one that "got away", RUN...run some more...and keep running. You will only die tired. For the record, I am not sorry for the two non-UN in the truck...you come to the airfield, you know what's up. ~Skin~
  4. Skin69niks

    Rest in Peace | First Person | Private Shard | NO Persistence

    Both servers are running great, nicely done gentlemen!
  5. Skin69niks

    Rest in Peace | First Person | Private Shard | NO Persistence

    I am entirely over geared. I came close to changing my in game name to Wal-Mart. ~Skin~
  6. Skin69niks

    Dayz Comic

    I have read the "walking dead" series and there is so much that can be done with this genre. If you have a compelling story line, plausible characters and great art... this could be amazing! I will stay tuned and will most certainly read it if you create it.
  7. Skin69niks

    Rest in Peace | First Person | Private Shard | NO Persistence

    Properly seasoned, ZaP players are rather tasty...
  8. Skin69niks

    Clans treating DayZ like ARMA?

    This is absurd. Our squad is organized and highly motivated. We all have top end gear because we go to the places where it spawns. We carry the best weaponry because we want to do more than just SURVIVE, we want to excel in this harsh environment. We hoard as much medical, ammunition, food stuffs and weaponry as possible so that the infected and survivors alike can be dealt with appropriately and successfully. I am not sorry that this does not fit into the narrow vision of what you think this game SHOULD be. Luckily, I don't have to care. I will continue to thrive with the best gear, surrounded by like minded individuals who have banded together to bring security and prosperity to OUR group. We do not have to dupe, cheat or script to be successful, we dominate our environment with intelligence, determination and the balls to go where the goodies are.
  9. Ok I need dedicated American squads getting on the whitelist and joining server two IMMEDIATELY!!!
  10. Skin69niks

    Paiting ghillie parts

    I have painted the hood, bush rag and gun wrap. I prefer the "mossy" look which is green AND black so I am not sure why it isn't working. It CAN be done I can assure you of that at least. GOOD LUCK!
  11. Skin69niks

    FNX Tactical

    The right to protect oneself, family and property is one of the most basic of all human rights. Here in the US it is even protected by our constitution, a beautiful document and the only reason the term "American exceptionalism" exists. From the outset our founders knew that lemmings like you existed ricp and that powerful men, organizations and governments would easily subjugate you. They wanted more for us than to be sheep herded to and fro...they wanted PERSONAL freedom. Freedom is not just a vote it is the ability to do what you want, go where you want to go, say what you want to say, think what you want to think and DO what you want to DO unfettered by a tyrannical government or whiny little limp wristed do gooders who think a person needs an EXCUSE to do whatever they please...as if you are qualified to guide another persons life. It has been eroded over the years, those freedoms. People like you started the process almost as soon as the ink hit the paper, but it hasn't died yet and as long as we have the right to willfully defend ourselves, it never will. I laughed at the word "unhinged" and the self description matched perfectly the picture my mind had painted of you.
  12. 1PP is the ONLY way to play this game in my humble opinion. The ability for a person to remain in complete cover and yet survey their surroundings is as cheap a tactic as I could devise and I cannot for the life of me understand why it was ever implemented. I call it the magic periscope view...no skill required, just cowardice.
  13. Man...I go away for a bit of R&R and see what I miss??? the name "I'm so Angry" seems to fit....hilarious!!
  14. I would like to see more Americans populating the whitelisted, server #2. Runs great, thanks for making this available to us Yanks!!
  15. Skin69niks

    I don't get why you'd play this over the mod?

    While I enjoyed the mod immensely and logged over 3000 hours on its varied maps, SA is really all I play now. A few of you have pointed out some of the deficiencies compared directly to the mod but you fail to recognize all of the improvements. Chernarus is so different now, places I knew like the back of my hand in the mod have been completely reworked. The UI while still a WIP is much better than the mod and I really enjoy watching in real time as the game develops around me. It is also preference. I know some of my buddies like bigger girls....me not so much. Go play the mod if that's what you enjoy, many of us will continue to flesh out the bugs in this work in progress and enjoy every fkn minute of it!
  16. Sounds like fun, if you have room I would be there with bells on. On a different note. I have put good time on both servers and I have to say performance and restart time on server two is superior. This is of course through MY monitor but it is easily the better of the two from where I am sitting.
  17. Skin69niks

    Heli Crash Sites

    The barn is located at 025 106 the crash site was 016 100 according to DayZDB coords. This is right around a klik although the barn is slightly elevated in position to the crash.
  18. Hehheh the fact that you would not "give a snot" about the legitimacy of your play style says everything we need to know about you. To the OP... Barracks, Barracks and Barracks....period. However I have always found that unloading them from well geared players is much more satisfying PLUS they have usually went through all of the trouble of tricking her out for me and providing me with ample amounts of ammo as well!! Remember the weapon is only as useful as the man who carries it and a well aimed Blaze can beat a fully tricked out AKM with a 75 round drum anytime if the tactics employed are sound and the aim is true.
  19. Skin69niks

    No Matches

    What other game can offer you the urgency that DayZ provides when your fully geared character begins to freeze and you realize you don't have matches. The frantic search....tearing through the abandoned homes....little regard to snipers or the infected because the drum beat of the elements will not slow down for either....priceless.
  20. Skin69niks

    Heli Crash Sites

    I have seen smoke on a crash over a klik away. One example is the high value barn south of zelenegorsk up the hill overlooking the military, I saw smoke on a crash up the hill from the slaughterhouse long barn duo NW of that position...over a klik as the crow flies. This is a vast improvement from when they were first implemented when smoke didn't render beyond 1-200 meters.
  21. Skin69niks

    Killed a combat logger...

    I am with Jexter on this one.... reading this thread made me laugh my ass off! As far as the OP is concerned, you took advantage of an opportunity, no more no less. The player "logging out" may rack his death up to a glitch, not "teaching" him anything. In game, I am an opportunistic predator, using any and all means at my disposal to maintain the advantage...this was as easy as taking candy from a baby. Since no "combat" was engaged I cannot in good conscience label this person as such because there is no reason to do so.
  22. Skin69niks

    Heli Crash Sites

    On servers where persistence is off, Heli crashes are dependable. On servers where persistence is ENABLED it is my opinion that somehow they are being "eroded" out of existence. That is the only word that can describe what I have found to be the case since the last patch and I will tell you why this is my opinion. After the patch dropped (.52 ) I started a character on a private hive, persistence enabled server. I found crashes the first three restarts. I ran the gauntlet of spawns and was successful each time gleaning ammo boxes, an aug etc. ( horrible weapon imo ) after, I would say, the third restart of the server....no heli crashes....ANYWHERE. None since. They have been "eroded" away somehow. If anyone who has any development experience would like to theorize as to WHY I would love to hear it!
  23. Skin69niks

    Dear Developers

    Bravo OP. I couldn't agree more. This dedicated group of talented individuals have done an amazing job with the SA in my humble opinion. I read many posts flaming them, but from my perspective I have nothing but appreciation for their efforts. I have thousands of hours in the mod and over 1700 in the SA and I can honestly say that I am indebted to Dean hall for his vision, and this team for making that vision a reality. The dev team often gets lost in the background but when you look at efforts like when the DDOS attack was going down and they strapped down the boots and worked until the servers were up and going, they deserve every accolade and ounce of respect they receive from this community. Have a Merry Christmas or whatever holiday you enjoy Dev team and THANK YOU for the gunshot fix....long time coming but oh so appreciated!!
  24. Server hopping? Forgive me if I think this "play style" is as weak and limp wristed an approach as begging for sex. This is why I prefer to play on private hives, players must EARN their gear the old fashioned way. As long as man has roamed this rock, men have TAKEN what they needed, either from the environment in which they find themselves or from other unfortunate souls who happen to have what they want. My suggestion is to go buy a few gallons of vitamin D milk, gulp them down with great haste and hope your spinal chord is infused with some strength. Scavenge a weapon that fires a round, an SKS is MORE than sufficient and can be easily procured from any long barn or house. Or, try the Blaze...it is an amazingly accurate and quite lethal rifle. Stalk a well geared squad to find their camp or stash or MAN UP and kill one of the bastards that has the gear you want. Am I the only person that wants to slap the weak outta this OP?? I know there is no "right or wrong" way to play DayZ technically, but server hopping to ME is as wrong as calling Cher's daughter a dude.
  25. Sometimes when I lone wolf I just stalk. Sometimes when I stalk I patiently track my prey. Sometimes I am rewarded with 3 hunter bags 5 akm 1 mosin 1 ak74 and 1 ak74u. First person is the only way to play this game realistically. Thank you for having the balls to play this game the way it was meant to be played!! ~Skin~