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Everything posted by Riem

  1. Riem

    New Guns and stuff!

    OTs-14 "Groza" Russian made bullpup assault rifle. Hideous, but wouldn't be completely unseeable in a Russian state. The weapon doesn't differ very much from an AKS-74U, and is in fact just the same components rearranged, mostly. It is very modular, and can be a cqb weapon, assault rifle, sniper, and has the proper set up for a grenade launcher. Also, don't fire it left handed. You'll get a hot casing right into your face. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OC-14-4A
  2. Riem

    A Treatise On Survival

    Fuck easily digestible. You used treatise correctly, and your points are well explained and while not original, I'm all for details. Beans, have them. Spoiler tags would help to break up the wall of text, though.
  3. Riem

    Move 9mm SMGs to the Sidearm Slot

    They can be, yes. But no automatic weapon bigger than a machine pistol is designed to be. Just because you can does not mean you should. Edit. I agree though that a SMG should not take up the same space as a rifle or machine gun.
  4. Riem

    New Guns and stuff!

    Oh, I'll disagree alright. First. None of the ranges you're describing are even close to the real world capabilities of any of these weapons. Really? A pistol can only shoot about twenty feet? A sub machine gun that fires 5.7x28mm high velocity ammunition can only top out at 60 feet? You're silly. I can't tell if you're actually serious, listing off what are all popular modern warfare weapons, but I'm going to make a few points. 1. The USP and the Vector are both mainly available in America, even though the USP is a H&K weapon, it is therefore unlikely you'll find them in post Soviet Russia. 2. Melee weapons of all shapes, sizes, and types have all been suggested before, use the search function. 3. The P90 may be used in countries around the world for law enforcement, military, and civilian uses, but again, post Soviet Russia. You're going to find more AKs than you are a sub machine gun made in Belgium. The weapon also is typically chambered for very specific ammunition you wouldn't be finding at the local gun store. The standalone doesn't need your garbage damage estimates either. Try again.
  5. Riem

    A Rapid Clotting Agent

    I like it. I've always wondered what kind of magical bandages we have that somehow fix internal injuries from being shot as well. It does need to be balanced, as it would perhaps seem sort of gamey to have something that instantly stops bleeding, no matter how realistic. So a rare spawn, and it should have some kind of downside, such as it is only a very temporary fix, and perhaps is very painful to apply. Since we don't know exactly how the health/blood system is going to work, we can't make all that many suggestions as for how to exactly fix it. But for now the idea is sound and in my opinion would offer a realistic option to stop bleeding. Bandaging should also take longer, or be rarer/less effective, to balance.
  6. No. There are no roles in this game that are predefined. You make your own way, whether that is someone who shoots everything that moves, or someone who goes around helping people. Your choice. I grow tired of telling you the same thing over and over, apache25. As the majority of the forum likely has. Anyway, to the point presented by the OP, which has been discussed at length several times. I'm against any and all game mechanics that give such debilitating disadvantages to bandits. Punishing a playstyle is not what this game is about. NPCs would detract from the game experience, so other than a very rare and random group of soldiers picking their way through the scenery, I'm against their inclusion into the standalone. I'm also against random airstrikes. Because that would be fun, running around gathering your stuff, when lady luck decides to take a dump on you and you get shredded by bombshells. Back to this roaming 'death squad.' They should shoot on sight, regardless of what kind of player you are, and should kill anything that moves, Zed or player alike. Also, they should be sporting very heavy body armor, so it will take a great deal of firepower to take them out, and pistols would basically be useless against them. I'd like to see an inclusion of tactics into their AI, such as if a sniper takes down one of their members, most of the group would lay down a sheet of suppressive fire towards the suspected sniper's location, while one grabs the wounded or dead npc and drags him out of view. Then a portion of the squad would move in teams, alternating between suppressive fire and quick bursts of movement to flank the sniper. Basically, though, NPCs are exploitable. The loot they could be carrying should have such a low chance of being good that most likely, if you can take them down, it would be a waste of your time. So what, they have between them a few assault rifles and ammunition. If you're able to take them out, you probably have a better weapon. I could, however, see this as an endgame mechanic. These would be good ways to make sure your base and stockpiles are kept stocked.
  7. Riem

    water from the sea

    Very true. But as it was mentioned, it would be an option for if the water on the map were, say, near a crowded area and you wished to trade expedience for being able to have fresh water. Also, the osmosis filters take a large time as well, up to five hours for a few glasses of water. Not practical, or time efficient, but it would be an option.
  8. Riem

    water from the sea

    Desalination is a simple process that would take time, yes, but is very real and practical should you have some simple materials. Honestly I'm surprised it hasn't been suggested before. I'm even more surprised half of the comments here don't seem to get how simple it is. http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/drinkseawater.html Plus, there are filtration systems that use osmosis to pass water through them, trapping salt particles on one side, and filtering it that way. http://www.storeitfoods.com/seapack These would have to be incredibly rare in game, but would be so very useful.
  9. Riem

    DayZ map set in USA?

    Fool fool is fool. Apparently Alaska is a country now. And not affiliated with the U.S.A. in any way.
  10. The only 'punishment' that should ever be handed to a bandit is a skin that makes the recognizable for what they are. That is the only fair way to go about it, and it should remain so.
  11. I have never felt so disappointed in this forum as I do right now.
  12. Riem

    Zombie idea.

    The infected in this canon would be raging, screaming, hungry psychopaths who want nothing more than to eat your face off after smashing you to itty bitty nonresistant pieces. Sure, they probably could coordinate to some very small degree, and would be smart enough to open doors, encircle what they see as prey, etc, etc. Hell, I'd even go so far as to say they're somewhat intelligent enough to hold something and try to hit you with it. Because who doesn't want to see a zed run at you and try to thwack you with an umbrella? Comedy gold. But the other behaviors you describe wouldn't be a fit to this game. The only priority a zed has is acquiring sustenance through consuming human flesh. That is all. There is no room for a leader or other such things in the zeds mind. You are food, thus they will try to eat you. Simple as that.
  13. Riem

    deleted fellas

    You are a sad, strange little man. And you have my pity.
  14. Riem

    Stand alone melee mechanics

    Well, damn it. I have the desire to play Napoleonic Wars again.
  15. Riem

    deleted fellas

    This would only prompt players to suicide themselves into getting a fresh spawn with no randomly generated diseases.
  16. First of all, thank you for not creating a similar thread, and merging yours into mine. I'll update the suggestions part with your idea. Though I must say that since we're going to be getting a new map for the standalone version, I'm hoping there will be a huge highway. The idea of an oceanic highway isn't too bad, honestly, and would be an interesting, and dangerous, place to try and attempt to loot. open and no real way to hide from snipers.
  17. The quote is from John Wooden, a college basketball coach, and it reads "The true test of a man's character is what he does when no one is watching." That's not a bad idea, actually, though I think the chance to die should be increased every time you fire or are fired upon. Firing adds a lesser percentage than being fired at, or something around those lines.
  18. Riem

    Poker is Dayz stand alone

    Should have to find individual cards to fill a whole deck.
  19. Riem

    Deathmatch balance

    This game is what you make of it, simply put. If someone wants to go shoot people who are no threat to them from a hillside half a kilometer away, that's fine. If someone wants to herd these bambis through how to survive, also fine. But what you suggest is simply a garbage idea that takes away from the core concept of DayZ. These are not the place to suggest changes to the mod right now. The standalone should have the full concentration of the community and the dev team. As it should be. I don't particularly care what stuff you have stashed away in a tent. I don't particularly care how you feel about people who blow people away from a safe distance. But what I do care about is the fact you seem to have first of all ignored the search function, giving us a waste of forum space that we've all seen, read, and responded to. Second of all, you've tried to suggest something that is completely unrealistic. The survivors in this game have gone through tough shit. They've probably had to kill people they've known as they tried to eat their faces off. You're saying that after that, those who decided they were going to kill other people are just somehow going to break down and have a sudden mental illness. And you aren't just going to find a magic pill to pop, instantly curing you of your sudden crisis of conscience. Third, you attempt to put a limit on banditry and murdering, which ironically enough is against the whole idea of making everyone equal. Can I have a limit on people who want to spend their time alone in the woods? Maybe I could have them start having sudden bouts of schizophrenia. Obviously all this wandering alone finally forced their mind to break into pieces to cope. The infected have already been confirmed to being made tougher, harder to kill, more of a challenge. The military weapons are going to be limited in availability and scope. It's going to be harder to snipe someone. But people are still going to find ways to do it, and I'm all for it. I respect your ability to have opinions. But, true, I don't care for yours, as it would detract from this game in ways that would make me not want to play it anymore.
  20. Riem

    Littlebird vs the UH1H

    Obviously they shoved the other three out because they were baby men.
  21. Riem

    Littlebird vs the UH1H

    Can they be big mammoth men with chainguns, sandviches, and an intolerance for smaller guys?
  22. Riem

    Deathmatch balance

    Which is perfectly fine, since this game isn't about balance, or fairness. You're gonna die by guys hundreds of meters away with high powered rifles. Because that makes a hell of a lot more sense than running up within their striking range. Also, this has been suggested many times already, and Rocket has himself said there will be no form of repercussions for banditry. As an edit: I dislike that you've titled this thread 'Deathmatch.' What? You want balance so you can more easily avoid being killed? Go play something else. I hear WarZ has some balanced guns! And safe zones too!
  23. Riem

    Littlebird vs the UH1H

    This of course would be the stripped down version. I am not going to ever suggest flying death machines with rockets. Ever. I'm just wanting to see something a bit more Russian and able to carry more people/stuff. I would like to see it if helicopters were implemented where they didn't spawn with any weapons on them. You'd have to salvage what parts you could from helicopter crashes to arm them. And the best you could do would be machine guns. No rockets.
  24. Riem

    Tactical Bacon

  25. Riem

    9 Dayz Ideas

    You know, I would say this is another apache25 clone, but the punctuation and proper capitalization are here. Can't be him, then.