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Everything posted by Riem

  1. So, was perusing the forums, as per usual. I've seen a lot of threads lately that discuss turning into a zombie, which I know won't happen; we're immune. All of these threads mentioned the undead player corpse still having the backpack they died with. Well, doesn't that just facilitate the 'run up and regear yourself' mentality that a lot of people spawning in have? As it is now, if you die, a lot most likely will run towards their body in the hope that someone else hasn't looted it by now. So I pondered for a few moments. Stopped playing Borderlands 2 for a bit, pondered some more. When these infected persons kill you, they're eating you. I'm not going to go into gristly detail, but I'm sure there is all manner of violent gore and gristle being devoured and flung haphazardly about. Wouldn't it be fun if a player died, and the zeds accidentally scattered all his/her gear around the corpse? For instance, the backpack could have been ripped apart, and the zeds kicked or shoved all the stuff that was inside around randomly, even maybe stepping on and ruining food. It would definitely be more realistic than finding a body with all the gear intact, in pristine condition. If there is some way to add conditions to backpacks, such as if you can add a torn or ripped state to it, making it hold less, or even have a chance to drop smaller items from inside randomly, that would be a neat addition as well. This also brings along the suggestion that perhaps the bodies would appear to be half eaten, missing limbs, blood and guts everywhere, you get the idea. Anywho, thoughts, criticisms, suggestions always welcome.
  2. I completely agree with this. I'd like to see if perhaps the zeds actually drag the body off from where you died, maybe leaving pieces in their wake. Some items could also be damaged in the infected's desire to dance around in your ribcage, scattering stuff hither and thither.
  3. Riem

    Flashlight stab attack

    I approve of this thread.
  4. Riem

    Gun Spawns

    Let me break this down into teeny, tiny words, so you can actually comprehend the complex ideas we're trying to get into your skull. First. Learn English. I said institute. Not insult. There is a vast and wide difference between the two. Second. What? COD is renowned for large availability of items? You're talking about the game that has had the same set up since CoD 4, and has differed only slightly with each iteration afterwards in a fairly obvious attempt to just milk the market instead of innovating anything. And plus, you cannot compare what DayZ is to an on rails shoot em up, that attempts to emulate realism with characters that regenerate health. Third. The problem is not what guns are available where, the problem is that you think that having fixed spawns for guns is a good idea at all. If you have fixed spawns, people will camp for them. It is that simple. If I have a reasonable idea that this weapon spawns in this general area, I'd camp there and hop servers in an attempt to spawn it. It's lazy, it breeds laziness, and it will only lead to an abundance of people hopping from server to server to server to do the exact same thing. And fourth, please, use the edit button. It has a purpose which you seem to have oh so callously ignored.
  5. Riem

    Boomerang Sniper Detection System?

    Naw. We need suits like these. You are correct though. The last thing DayZ needs is more high tech gadgets. Plus, I'm fairly sure that they're going to be reducing the amount of high powered military rifles, both in spawn rates and variety. So we shouldn't need this at all.
  6. Riem


    I could live with the ability to set server side rules, to vary gameplay. Small penalties that increase if you die continuously within a set time frame of respawning. But it should never exceed your threshold for maintaining interest. Otherwise people will go to different servers. This suggestion also would foster people shooting on sight, because if you know the person can't respawn for x time, you know you're safe from them coming back and whacking you in the back of the head with an axe.
  7. Riem

    Survivor Zombies

    Your corpses will be just that, corpses. The zeds here are infected humans a la 28 days later, not Romero style undead. I'm all for the very rare zed having a backpack or something else on their person that you can loot after killing, or, heck, if you're sneaky enough, before killing them. After all, most military personnel aren't going to be infected without their gear on, so it makes sense your average survivor might have shared the same fate with a backpack on, as well.
  8. Somehow that doesn't inspire confidence. But anyway, on to OP's point. First, it's been discussed, at length, how hacking and cheating and the like will be dealt with. We'll likely have a BE version dedicated solely to the DayZ - SA version. I find it rather silly that you think the devs wouldn't have already decided to have their own version of an anticheat.
  9. Riem

    Zombies should be able to bleed out.

    First, it's premature to argue how realistic this would be, due to us not knowing the nature of the virus itself. Maybe the virus does act as a rapid clotting agent, and closes wounds quickly. Second, this wouldn't be such a bad mechanic, but zeds don't need to be easier to kill, if anything they need to be much harder. I wouldn't mind seeing gratifying spurts of blood gushing from a zed after shooting it, but unless I nailed the infected thing in the head, it should just probably start shambling my way with a little less happy attitude.
  10. Riem

    DayZ Standalone Pre-order

    Do you have DayZ mod? Good. Because that's all you're getting until the game is ready for release.
  11. Riem

    Gun Spawns

    Part of the fun in DayZ is you don't know exactly what you're going to find when you creep into a house or a military barrack. So making certain items spawn in this part of the map takes away from that. It's worse with guns, for the already stated reasons. "Already having server hoppers" does not justify your suggestion, and relies on the fact that we'll continue to have them in this fashion, which is both premature and a bad way of looking at things. So let's not institute a mechanic into the game that only exacerbates a problem, rather than trying to fix it.
  12. I only read this thread because of the nearly unintelligible title. But no, no factions or forced 'playstyles' of any kind, at all. DayZ is how you want to play it, and should always remain that way.
  13. Riem

    DayZ Standalone Pre-order

    Hey, we're all playing the 'pre-order' version right now! Go play it!
  14. Riem

    3D Scopes

    This has already been suggested and I do believe looked at by the devs. Read the main suggestion thread.
  15. Riem


    Oh yes. Let's take a game we all love dying in, and then place a restriction on playing when, guess what, you die! No. I have never set up a camp where I can just run to grab things right after I die, just for the sole sake of having stuff again. I die too much for that. The standalone will have likely a different storage/base/tent/whatever mechanic, so it is premature to argue the current as an argument for this half assed suggestion. Also, WarZ tried it and a lot of people did not take well to it. Read 'a lot of people' as most.
  16. Riem

    Some kind of helper reward system

    As this has been stated, in countless threads, there should be no benefit/disadvantage to being a bandit, nor should their be one for a hero or your average player. As it should be, because the player interaction is what makes this game, that and playing how you want to.
  17. It's like the dumbed-down version of a summary of the past suggestions upon the threads.
  18. Riem

    The Apache Mod

    Wall climbing machetes everywhere.
  19. Riem

    Way of spawning near friends

    Nope. I'm not going to say anything. It's amazing to see the obvious point of these suggestions missed.
  20. Riem

    DayZ Development Twitter

    God speaks! Fall down and prostrate yourselves, unworthy! Also, looking good on the interiors. Can't wait for more!
  21. Riem

    Tinned food requires tin opener?

    Real men open cans with their... Mm. Actually that would be a bad idea. Tin cuts rather neatly, and that particular organ is rather.. well.. bleedy.
  22. Have you seen the amount of mods people have made for ArmA II? Seriously, you can find a great deal of pretty much everything.
  23. Riem

    New inventory / Items

    Amen. In a twist of the plot, apache25 is a secret WarZ dev team agent sent here to spam the forums with crap suggestions.
  24. Riem

    Ships offshore

    When you're out on the ocean, going up and down on waves that sometimes get around seven or eight feet high, and you can actually snipe something from a few hundred meters out, I'll give you a stockpile of beans. But to the OP point, I would like to see random ships occasionally. Wouldn't be too terribly unrealistic for some ships to have been used as emergency evacuation platforms, and something went wrong.
  25. Riem

    Combining Magazines

    Learn to spell, first. Second, the difference between subsonic ammunition and regular ammunition is indeed the amount of gunpowder used in the charge. Third, unless the weapon is specifically designed to handle supersonic ammunition, like the MP5SD is, then you'll potentially blow your hand off loading regular ammunition into a suppressed weapon, and you'll basically be lowering your accuracy and range for no added effect, because of the supersonic 'crack' of a bullet breaching the sound barrier. Best-case scenario, you wear out the suppressor much faster. And finally, fourth, there have been multiple suggestions for this already, and the ammunition system is getting an overhaul. Likely, in the standalone, we'll be finding bullets instead of magazines, or vice-versa, and we'll be able to combine them.