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Everything posted by Riem

  1. Riem

    Lingor Island: Alien Eggs?

    Zombie apocalypse I could stand. Alien infestation, not so much. Can you imagine if DayZ was set upon a world infested with aliens instead of zombies?
  2. Riem

    NEW! dayz poll please vote

    You're also blatantly ignoring the 'read before posting' thread, and ignoring the common courtesies of posting on a forum. Also, shameless bumps. Many of them. Allow me to put it in a language you can understand and readily digest. Lrn2edit.
  3. Riem

    melee weapon ideas

    Baseball bats that make you say obnoxious, phony Boston-accent-tinged taunts.
  4. First, apologies if any of these suggestions have been, well, suggested. But nextly! Sabotage. It would add to the paranoia, and probably the variety, of gameplay were players able to make changes to lootable items, vehicles, or areas, in order to make them less effective/hazardous to use/explore. A few examples. 1 - Poisoning consumables: Survival in the zombie apocalypse is a fight for resources, whether those are blood bags, food cans, water containers, or all other forms of medical and edibles. Obviously you're not going to be able to carry it all, and, while you could eat the excess to stave off hunger that much longer (And get fat, fatties.) Perhaps, using something you've found earlier, you'd be able to poison the item to have dastardly effects on other players. Perhaps small poisons or chemicals could be found for this purpose, and would instill a lessened set of stats for a player unlucky enough to eat it. A more devious use for this would be the ability to foul medical items by introducing the same harmful substances, or even in the case of blood bags, by placing zombie fluids inside an otherwise life giving bag. Imagine! Johnny Nobeans gets low on health/blood, and someone gives him a transfusion. But alas! The blood was tainted with the malevolent intentions of another player, and instead turns him into a zombie! Perhaps not as severe, but you could see the implications. Water and oil would also be able to be tainted like this. To avoid not having any way to know if the item was tainted, perhaps in the description of the item it could say it smells off, or in blood bags perhaps the color of the fluids doesn't look right. 2 - Vehicles: I'm fairly sure most of us have been at some point run over by someone else with a car. It's a fairly messy and rather fatal experience, to be sure. Wouldn't it be fun to get back at those people who ran you down like so much roadkill? With a toolbox and the appropriate tool, you could puncture their gas tank, cut their brake lines, or otherwise foul the car. I don't suggest being able to harm the engines, because, while realistic to do so, it would be unrealistic, and likely very hard if implemented, to fix a car engine. But the thought of some jerk off flying off the side of a cliff because you clipped their brakes appeals to me. Or someone trying to lift off a helicopter and wondering why the rotors won't spin up. That would also be amusing. Some visual cues would be neat to implement, like being able to see a puddle of fluids from where the car/bike/chopper/etc was damaged. Oh, yes. Also you could pop the tires on a pedal bike rather easily. 3 - Rigging explosives: Being able to control where loot is easily attainable should be an aspect of the game, whether it is with razor wire (when it gets fixed), or with a cleverly rigged grenade to a door handle. Say you know this building is frequented by players, and you want to make sure at least one of them isn't able to get the nice items inside. You have a grenade, and a bit of some sort of thread. Could be rope, string, etc. You attach the pin to the doorhandle via those fancy knots that all survivors would know, and poor Johnny Nobeans, fresh from his tainted blood induced death, gets an eyeful of shrapnel and explosions when he charges through the doorway. To a lessor extent, you could attach explosives, if you have them, to car door handles, bodies, items, and perhaps even set up tripwires. Visual cues such as the ropes, explosives, or a small noise when the door is opened would be an interesting way for players to figure out they had a few moments to gtfo, though I must admit I'm rather short on ideas for that. Also. Rigged explosives should be able to be defused, though there could be interesting ways to rig those explosives with more explosives. A bomb within a bomb, if you will. 4 - Fouling weapons: Not much of this would go on, but it would be interesting to say, jam an already loaded magazine or mess a silencer up to make it cone the noise towards the target, but I can't see many 'fair' uses of this, and as such won't spend nearly as much detail on it. While some of these suggestions would be ripe for abuse and definitely would be amongst the crueler aspects of the game, they would be realistic, and would add just one more shade to the already paranoia colored world. Feel free to expand on these if you would.
  5. Riem

    To the hero in ANZ 5

    I would much rather take someone out than risk them being a bandit and doing the same thing to myself or another player, especially a friend I'm attempting to cover. I'd have done the same.
  6. You have my beans. After you eat the beans, you have the can it came it.
  7. Riem

    Life and death. on DE334

    Posting little snippets like these only boost hacker's already considerable egos, especially with the amount of rage in the vid.
  8. Hacking is rampant on the DiG servers, moreso than the normal. I stopped playing both the Chernarus and Lingor maps because of it. Did however meet with Kitty before I knew they were a hacker. Gave me a transfusion and morphine for a rather unfun tumble off a set of stairs.
  9. There is a point where showing the mods and such that the hacking is a problem, and then there is the point where you're beating the already pulverised corpse of a horse into smaller bits with a stick. Everyone knows the hacking problem, and, frankly, I'm tired of reading about the latest 'I got hacked' story.
  10. Just my added two bits to this. In my opinion, being able to choke off supplies and entrance to buildings is a realistic and fairly viable strategy. You don't want everyone to be able to just walk up, grab a gun, and go around with the ability to shoot you, especially if you plan on staying around in the area. As it is, razor wire is broken, though, and should be removed for now. Just a couple suggestions, but perhaps the toolbox spawn would contain wire cutters, and perhaps would allow you to cut through the wires without risking your getting cut by the wires or entangled on them. You could even have the option to repair the cut segments by twisting the wires back together with another tool from the box. It would make toolboxes more valuable, with them being needed for more than car repairs, and wouldn't be unrealistic, as most toolboxes would likely have some implement for cutting wires, and any pair of pliers can twist wires back together. Say this is implemented, perhaps the action of cutting the wire would make some small noise, not enough to draw zeds in from over a few meters out, but it would carry a bit and other players could tell that you're cutting the wires. You'd also have to stay in one spot, making yourself vulnerable. Anywho, my opinion.