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Everything posted by pvtjace

  1. pvtjace

    Thankyou Battleye!

    Funniest things iv seen on my journey was day one: Hacker in ghillie with hacked in as50 thermal pointed at me says hello, i said hello..spawn me a heli. He then disappeared and said player Global banned vehicle create blah blah LOL
  2. pvtjace

    Australian AU27 Red Button Labs

    Whats the age group range champ?
  3. pvtjace

    Zombies: Faster and Headshot Only

    no headshots, just leave it as it is and put way more zombies in key towns and loot zones
  4. pvtjace

    NVG's, the downfall of DayZ "suspense"

    They should have a power level and should only be around 10-15mins i think. I just combat the situation by using flares ALOT. They cant see anything
  5. One shot anywhere landing shots shouldnt kill. Im sorry but foot shotting someone from 600m will not kill them. M24 CZ and SVD are fine. Get rid of all that other crap.
  6. It will run at a stable fps. Dependent on your screen size quality and what number you think stable is. TBH it will run pretty poor.
  7. pvtjace

    Coop? Why the hell coop?

    Inturn saying that almost every multiplayer game is broken because people dont all play lone wolf. My GAWD WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO!
  8. pvtjace

    Arm the infected.

    ^ Dont be butt hurt about no one agreeing with your idea by swearing. This idea is pathetic. They already drop loot on a random %. If their 'infected' and their vision is impaired but their hearing is still good then their not going to be able to aim for sh*t. Thus no point in arming them. Their more likely to kill you if you made them unarmed and made mass zombies spawn on military zones and city zones.
  9. pvtjace

    Your ideal Day Z map

    On the money here. The fact is even if you have a map part of the 'im so effing lost' factor is because its all in russian. More buildings to enter would be great, shacks out country side. Maybe some more rolling hills near the farms. Some trench like areas would be great to flank around cities or sewer tunnels under electro and cherno and berenzino
  10. Im sorry to be blunt. But all of these suggestions are unbalanced and well...crap ideas. If someone is more established and geared up then you. ADAPT. Zombies kill 'Bambies' too, if you hear a bullet crack past you..Dont stop. Bee line your way to safety. Hit rego + Lag + A novice sniper and 90% of the time you will be fine if you know how to dodge.
  11. pvtjace

    Thankyou Battleye!

    End game gear will usually give you end game from my experience. Mid range gear is exciting and great to be able to have a flow of ammunition between any town. Most geared up people wont take down a lower geared player. But if you stroll past rocking as50's etc consider yourself a target for pros and hackers and as well the desperatos
  12. pvtjace

    whats next for dayz soon ?

    Id rather they just pushed out for extra vehicals, Pretty over the running simulator
  13. pvtjace

    FN FAL the best all rounder?

    An allround weapon is something easy to find, something with common ammo and something with high damage. If your on the coast either the winchester because its quiet and high dmg as well as common. Out inland, DMR or M24. M24 turns a dmr round into 4 clips. Very common rifles in stands and barracks.
  14. pvtjace

    Inventory Can't use stuff (Drinks/food)

    Your either trying to move whilst doing these actions or your so laggy your menu system isnt working.
  15. pvtjace

    DayZ is a joke in its current form

    Server with 5 people and you fail to survive? Your either blind or stupid to come into that kind of situation. I usually play on 35-40 player servers and will only die if I risk it for a biscuit in places like electro cherno north west or stary. I can approach groups fully kitted out and as long as you remain in voice contact and state your intentions for passing by they never seem to open fire. Its always good to bluff people too, tell them how many bullets it will take to kill me yet my friends as50 on them will take them one shot. they usually back off.
  16. pvtjace

    L85A2 scope glitch?

    AGH! THat happened to me! I had thermal range finders for 2 days then they were gone and i couldnt figure out why it happened!
  17. pvtjace

    Banned WTF!?!

    The amount of people here seriously. Doesnt matter what your launching with, doesnt matter if your streaming with team speak overlays nothing of the such will ban you. Using any kind of cheat on a server that updates its battleye will lead you being banned. On the brighter side now you can sit back and wait for a game you deserve. WarZ, along with the other kiddies.
  18. those dmg numbers need to relate to where the hits land. Higher calibre guns such as FAL should be doing what they do currently. The thing is a beast compared to an AK. Shotguns need a buff, theyre currently useless. If i point blank someone with pellets to the head they should be on the floor and never getting up.
  19. pvtjace

    Found a L69A1.

    Not a big deal just hide the majority of the ammo and take enuf to have some fun and die in the process. because you cant find ammo for it after.
  20. pvtjace

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    If this game is optimised well and theirs even half as much bugs. Id pay AAA titles kind of money. Seriously!
  21. Dont mess around with the mod anymore leave it for the community to do so. Get that standalone out before that War Inc Z mess comes out.
  22. Hey fellas, Just thought I would mention straight up, I have searched the forum for answers to my question and have come up contredicting answers or havent found what ive been looking for. Question: How long does loot take to spawn inside an area where it generally spawns? Does all the loot have to disapear including, empty cans etc for it to respawn? Question: When spawning in how far away do you have to be to have loot spawn? Question: When driving or hovering into an area, how far should a vehical be parked away before you get out to check for loot? ( Iv had no loot appear over 1hr of searching i assume as of my car being my transport to the places ) If you could answer them or offer any tips etc that would be great! (EDIT: On public hive servers please. ) Cheers!
  23. pvtjace

    Loot respawn & spawn timers

    Perfect idea! Thanks, Iv heard that some of the Mods on here dont think its a problem. Thanks for your help guys!