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Everything posted by yorre1991

  1. yorre1991

    Community Banlist

    they should throw this shit out the door. It's been over a year since I was banned for "cheating". I didn't do anything wrong!!! worst implementation of anti-cheating ever. To all the people that have been wrongly banned like me, I know how you feel! the guy who came up with this crap should be ashamed.
  2. Yesterday I was able to play. Today every server I try to join gives me this message. Battleye: Admin Ban W4d9b2182 0x0f44d938 I googled and forum browsed a bit. And it appears I have been banned? Strange, since I don't think I've been doing anything naughty. Now I'd like to start appealing my ban, but for that you need something called a "guid" or something. Where do I find this if I can't even get on a server?
  3. the only thing i downloaded is the sixlauncher -.- i bought my game from steam (the arma 2 pack). I'm not playing dumb, i just didn't do anything wrong!
  4. we'll, get me unbanned then? =s ffs c5a35ecfae87ebe72aa5439ea5897c90 -1 W 4d9b2182 0x0f44d938 ^ this is me apparantly
  5. can't wait till this mod becomes a standalone game... thanks for the information though guys