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Everything posted by Alzeh

  1. Hey peeps, it's been hard with DayZ playing and trying to survive with just 2 players, we are looking for people to join us and to start a group of Bandits, we're all kinds of fun, we've got Teamspeak, and a Server, we would like to recruit people and so that we can put recordings of the group on youtube we're not strict players and we're not professional yet, since we've only been playing for like 2 weeks, but we are good at surviving, i'm in game still with quite a few good stuff and we would like to build a team up to 5-6 players maybe more. Greetz, Alzeh Don't expect us to be professional we're here to just have fun (:
  2. Oh, yeah probably, but you could try :D
  3. Alzeh

    epic bandit camp destroyed

    Nice bro ahaa you earned my beans :P I would of never waited that long (:
  4. Well i'm from the UK and so is my friend :) and nahh, we won't like to be strict since it's only a game plus we like to have fun.
  5. Sorry, i'm kinda new TZ? do you mean like Chernarus and Lingor? well, we play in Chernarus :)