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moster (DayZ)

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Everything posted by moster (DayZ)

  1. moster (DayZ)

    Looking to make a UK/EU clan.

    added you buddy
  2. I have been playing for a few months now and pretty much love the game... i previously played EvE Online (still do a little) but this game has got me. Age: hmmm 35 ish :), married kids etc too old really to be playing or thats what the wife keeps telling me Usually play between 20:00 and 01:00 UK time, sometime through the day if I am working from home. Can use TS/Vent Play for fun ... mostly camping Electro / Chern for PvP raids to airfield when i can be arsed dont need handouts just looking for a fun bunch that have a laugh and play with..
  3. moster (DayZ)

    UK player looking for a group

    steam is sent
  4. moster (DayZ)

    {ukt} recruiting

    I bud i am from the UK looking for a small group to play with, have ts/vent ill try and catch you on TS
  5. moster (DayZ)

    Looking for people to join our group

    TZ = time zone i am from the UK play from about 8pm till midnight sometimes through the day when working from home
  6. moster (DayZ)

    Looking for people to join our group

    sounds like fun what TZ are you playing