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About ntmmonster

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. ntmmonster

    Two things that annoy me the most

    i seriously think the game is missing a certain compitition feel, there is nothing to aim for, no benifit of hours and hours of running. i want to be able to win!!!! what is my score per minute? what is my KD? why cant we have level upgrades? game times are too long how do i unlock new weapons? im sure you all agree, i just wanted to vent. hopefully over the future updates these things will be fixed. fingers crossed
  2. ntmmonster

    Day Z Videos

  3. ntmmonster

    Day Z Videos yes im a bandit but i try not to kill any spawns or people without weapons. after spawning i ran into 3 guys at balota and they all tagged along. i had a pistol but i assume they thought it was empty as i didnt shoot them. anyway running to cherno 1 picked up a hatchet and started mumbling to his mate bout killing bandits. i took a wild stab in the dark that this douche was talking bout me and thats roughly where the vid starts
  4. ntmmonster

    Day Z Videos

    my first post... please be kind