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Everything posted by GoodGrief

  1. Throw another aussie on the barbie will ya love. That's what you are going to be saying when the shelves have been empty for a week, teaspoons of cement aside
  2. I only managed the first paragraph; gave up when you mentioned failed states and compared it to how "civilised society" would cope You are a pretentious cunt and know absolutely nothing. Sure can type a lot tho. This is my opinion, hope thats ok
  3. Wow Axo you seem sure of humanity and the goodwill of mankind. There are places in the world you can go right now where you would be robbed and killed within an hour if you just stood around smiling. During disasters, when the rule of society and law is gone, all kinds of mayhem takes place. Seems like you are in some fictional reality, possibly The Walking Dead.
  4. The amount of Battleye spam now is quite annoying. I cant find an option to turn it off or find a topic on this. Sometimes players are missing heaps of PBO files, you get a paragraph of bullshit scrolling up. all but the Killed messages occupy at least half my laptop screen. This information only seems like it should be relevant to the server owner or the players who the messages concern. why do we need to see if some random dude hasn't got a file, has a bad internet connection or got kicked for idling too long.. all junk information
  5. nice, first i heard of that and the ingame footage looks quite like arma.. looks like it could be good. does not look like the cartoony/HUD heavy warZ crap.
  6. GoodGrief

    Hackers are slowly pushed out

    Yeah man only played on the most full servers even during the worst of the hacking so I really noticed it just switch off like a light just over a week ago. It used to be 100% guaranteed I would get killed out the blue by a hacker. It has not happened once lately. It really has been safe to play on jam packed servers for over a week, just seems like many people haven't realised that yet
  7. GoodGrief

    Hackers are slowly pushed out

    Also have not been teleported and instantly killed in just over a week. This is pretty crazy and I was waiting for a thread on it, but are we just goading on the hacker cunts to come back? I see people get global bans all the time, in fact the Battleeye feed is quite immersion breaking in itself, there are so many ban messages. Has the grief hacking only stopped because they are banned or has there been some change in that arma patch? If there has been a change and the game's more secure, battle eye should come in here and post a freaking topic about that. maybe some hundreds of thousands come back to the public hive . glitches are also gone for me
  8. Jammal repaid the debt, bless his cotton sandals
  9. Not sure if I would be able to resist those flavoursome tears.. I say wait till he turns around
  10. Is this thermal scope gun legit?
  11. Brutal, terrifying and probably true. It's hard to know whether, in spite of Rocket claiming the mod would be developed alongside the standalone, in actual fact the mod has been 99% abandoned in favour of standalone. In which case there is still reason to believe much will be fixed in standalone. if, however, the development of the mod roughly matches the standalone's development then we are all fucked
  12. I'm not saying there weren't dramas bro, but i still have internet issues during games today. it seems non central to the argument is all. What was missing in the 90s was viral online social medias. With those, people would have been drawn to the likes of Raider Wars and known better. I swear that shit ran perfectly fine. it was an open beta game which had astonishing gfx for its time and had epic scale Here is an exert from the only site i can find about RW: : Actually it was one server and hundreds of people (or more like thousands as it says on another page). And it was a fast gaming experience on modem. That idea Raider Wars was one of many bought out by a big business company (AOL) and dumped. Realise this is a hard derail so will slowly back the fuck out the thread, even if the op hates game. edit: having major issues linking, using spaces, via smartphone apologies
  13. If you are talking to me about the multiplayer FPS assumption: No. Raider Wars was not an FPS, here is a link to information on that http://home.earthlink.net/~phreec/rwabout.html . Internet speeds back then would be shite on todays games. The loads were relative. Even on a modem I enjoyed delta and raider wars without a hitch. As time went on and there was halflife/TF - by then you could get ISDN for as low a ping as you can get today. Still the 90s. There was also a really big C&C MP scene and total annihilation..Really with the emergence of the masses online due to increased connectivity, which you seem to think implies better games, the quality of gaming has only gone down. It's full of smacktards now. I'm sure you had fun on the snes man
  14. The crux of your argument seems to be that 1) You weren't playing multiplayer games when you were younger 2) Therefore you didn't know that there were multiplayer games when you were younger 3) Therefore it's better now, now that you do know and play them and they are better games for that reason Fuck i was playing with hundreds of players at once in the massively multiplayer Raider Wars as early as 1997 and that had 3d graphics. Delta wasn't 3d but it still packed heaps of players per server (like 100?). You just missed out.
  15. Too right man. That guy has to be fucking retarded to suggest video games and PCs/internet were "shit" back in the 90s. In the 90s they were the fucking bomb. It looked extremely realistic to me at that time. There was nothing else to compare it to. Only with hindsight do the graphics look shit. He digs his grave a little deeper by going on to explain graphics are all that matter now? More like back in the 90s, before big business mother fuckers took over all the devs and raped the individuality of their ideas, pumping out flashy graphics "shit" games, there was an originality in gaming that would otherwise still exist today
  16. GoodGrief

    Rocket should add a silenced shoe...

    op gives me an idea give Murderers thongs (or "flip-flops")
  17. smasht.. please no I am also glad there is no leaderboard. Stats can be good to a point, but it tends to go far beyond that point. If people cheat/Alt f4 now, just imagine when there is a leaderboard for them to slither their pathetic cunt of a life upwards on
  18. GoodGrief

    DMR effective range?

    Are you giving it a chance by taking it out of a dupe tent?
  19. OP made decent point regards to public hives, in that most people are already in a decent position before joining the server they sniped you in. How will rocket fix that? It's not too often to see people even in a 60/60 server in cherno, for extended periods, due to that. Still, "camping" is realistic to say running and gunning games. And I don't see the connection with gamepads (thumbs/couch thing.) I'm of a similar age and started my PvPs in Delta Force & Spec Ops, way back. This is the most realistic game I ever played in terms of combat due in part to the camping. On which note, it seems that Delta Force was the only ever game of the same genre to meet the scale of Arma and it was oh so long ago. They used different gfx for that tho, which is how it was possible - not pixels or something? As OP might remember, there was a SHIT load of camping and sniping from mountains in Delta Force too, in spite of its huge scale. I hope that the sniper play-style tho is cut down for standalone. As far as I know, rocket is increasing primitive weapons and scaling military weapons right back. This might still mean the same thing happens with a cz550 if that is left in. But also if duping is fixed, they have to find the ammo for it and thus run around (although on an empty server..)
  20. GoodGrief

    Packs of Wolves? Just throwin this out there...

    With games out there for hunting only, there is obviously a market for this as much as it would just be more immersion/fun for people already into dayz. i'm not sure how animal spawning seems to work, as i have seen them very far away with no people around them. I guess they are loaded into my PC, as they say? be interesting if someone knows how the animals "save". ultimately it would be better if cherno+ had a set number of repsawning animals, which left tracks or at least shit that you could follow even without a dog. if you crawl through long grass in arma you will see that it is flattened for a while afterwards, so i guess an improvement on that is what i mean. but hell, once they have horses and dogs and animals that are actually interesting to hunt or even evade (wolves) there will be plenty for the PvE in the woods and everyone gets their bit of dayz
  21. GoodGrief

    "RP" servers

    Well they are taking their cues from Hollywood, or worse still the BBC. No, it's going to be bad. Real bad. Take what you heard about Argentina and Rwanda then pump it full of steroids..now you are post apocalyptic. If good people don't have any hope right now, how is it any better once the gloves are off
  22. GoodGrief

    Recognition using the peripheral dots

    You can use these peripheral dots as an in-game legit radar. I use it even without wanting to, because its just impossible to ignore. example Camping in cherno apartment block looking out window.. i can always see dots either side representing zombies to the sides and behind (which are behind WALLS, way out of sight). They move very slowly, as the zombies amble. If suddenly they start moving up or down fast, you know you have some activity to deal with. I will be pretty dismayed if they haven't taken the time to remove these dots in standalone, since there hasn't been a statement on it as far as i know. There isnt anything peripheral about them, they work at what appears to be 20 to 30 meters, through hills/buildings/walls and dont require sound. I dont like the OPs idea for use of them. They just should be scrapped
  23. GoodGrief

    Distinction between bandit and murderer?

    Bambi seems like a misnomer for the average player in DayZ, Rooburger. Just because they are unarmed does not mean they can not take a gun out of your backpack and blow your brains out. Nor does it mean they might notice the sniper on freelook, without giving that away, find a shotgun in the town the sniper is watching then ghost to directly behind sniper and kill him. Also some bandits RP to the extent that they "own" a town and everything in it. Why should some jerk take MY gear, they ask. Still, if they keep skins they should have a psycho skin. On further consideration of this i considered a prison jumpsuit, with a rattling handcuff hanging from one hand. I hope they go back to regular skins tho and just have more attainable skins like the ghillie/camo etc. The idea that most people will react differently based on skin is silly. You can't have a stand-off situation in DayZ, like in the films, where you both just aim at each other and talk. That would be dumb. As in RL, one person can pull the trigger and the other is dead before even seeing the flash. So I don't understand how people can be robbed in DayZ, unless they are unarmed and as such have nothing to loot. Not to mention people just quitting the game if you try to hold them up "honorably" ;/
  24. GoodGrief

    Distinction between bandit and murderer?

    Generally I am against having different skins based on actions taken, as it reduces immersion. For example the running slower as bandit, or suddenly wearing a turban if you get a kill. And yet I am guessing standalone will have more of it. If it does then I kind of like the OP's idea, but not a clown suit. Perhaps they could make a psycho skin, although not sure what it would look like. I wonder also what attributes they would give murderers, like more noise/slower running, since those disadvantages already exists for a bandit. Perhaps they might really screw the game by effecting aiming. That would certainly put people off shooting unarmeds for any reason. But again its going to fuck immersion royally over. Besides, shooting unarmed people is common as muck, it happens, so should be in game. They could also add bayonets to reflect bayonet practice on unarmed ppl, that would give me the lols What about a skin for killing dudes that haven't even loaded?