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Bombolz (DayZ)

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About Bombolz (DayZ)

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. You might be able to open the lock with a crowbar, or lock pick it. You may also choose to lock a door in case you don't want other people coming in while your looting (if you have a lock which may be rare). People will be able to climb through windows by smashing them though (this will make a loud noise). ALSO, I think this IGN zombie apocalypse ideal is pretty good, it points out what DayZ should have and can have. (although some of this won't work since DayZ is a multiplayer game). http://www.ign.com/blogs/jamiemad66/2013/01/27/5-ways-to-create-the-ultimate-zombie-experience/?zeta_id=20277357&utm_source=Monday%20newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=1.29+Dynamic+Newsletter_NO+FNAME_11940_632529_632551&utm_content=20277357
  2. Bombolz (DayZ)

    Hollywood Style Suggestions

    I'm going to be upfront with you. I think some of these ideas are shit due to the unbalance it would cause. Bandits never kill heroes? That's just bullshit, also, that love scene... will not work, actually I'll just say that the only ideas I like is the petrol trail (which has been suggested) and locked doors being open-able with gun shots. The rest are just weird or put too much of an imbalance in the game's combat.
  3. OMG I come back 2 weeks later and I see soo many suggestions being repeated. Someone shoot me in the head. Please use the search engine plox
  4. Bombolz (DayZ)

    Possible solution to "New spawn I don't care attitude"

    Could work but I'm going to add on to it. Once you exeed your use of 3 lives or whatever the amount you will be forced to wait a certain amount of time afterwards - 4th death = 10 minutes wait, 5th death = 30 minutes wait, 6th death = 2 hours and so on. But I'm just giving random numbers which I think would suit it. You wil get 3 lives after every 22 hour period or something.
  5. Bombolz (DayZ)

    "Nasty" idea to make things even harder: be a mule!

    Agreed as I'm not always with friends.
  6. I think there needs to be more interaction between AIs. Such as an wolf hunting another animal regardless of what happens, so a Player may stumble on a pack wolves eating a dead deer, or see an half eaten deer or something. I mean this would increase the amount of threats you face in the now safe forest, but in my opinion would be more interesting, also wolves that eat infected flesh become infected themselves, attacking anything on sight. Infected wolves mutate which will make it look slightly different but also may increase how deadly it is.
  7. Bombolz (DayZ)

    Suggestion: Zombie damage should greatly increase

    Well, if you want zombies all over the map, including the forests since they don't go there, rocket could try zombie animals. Especially meat eaters like wolves who eat dead infected people and get infected themselves.
  8. Bombolz (DayZ)

    40 min into my first ever game of dayz

    I believe this is in the wrong section of the forums, I don't really see any suggestions here. If your gonna post this kinda stuff, post it in the other section.
  9. Bombolz (DayZ)

    "Manhunt" - Leaderboard - side game

    Naw, maybe bounty hunting is a good idea though, if you can somehow incorporate that. Again this is solely my opinion.
  10. Bombolz (DayZ)

    Animations and Options When Opening Doors

    Not a bad idea at all, nice work chump! Though you can add an option to peek inside or listen closely to what is going on inside - zombie or player footsteps but if your listening your ears are against the door so when the person on the inside kicks out, you get knocked down. Well you could add those ... Or not?
  11. Bombolz (DayZ)

    Suggestion: Details in Houses -> Atmosphere

    Nice! And I agree with what everyone said, it's too big of a task and dayz needs to be long in development before they can add something like this. There also needs to be blood everywhere, on the streets, inside the houses, etc. also more rare, but random blood in the forest, possibly with a carcass from dead animals or people, either a zombie got them or an animal like a wolf. Personally, I found the interior designs slightly disappointing, it's mostly empty, there needs to be blood, stuff knocked over, as you said maybe broken picture frames, and maybe some food left in the fridge - people can't take everything with them.
  12. Bombolz (DayZ)

    Suggestion: Zombie damage should greatly increase

    Increasing zombie stats will do almost nothing. 1-2 zombie attacks for a kill will piss off almost everyone. If you want to make zombies a threat then you should be able to grab you, preventing, or obstructing you from shooting, in other words, shoot them before they get to you. Also, getting grabbed leaves you open to other players, and especially snipers since they can spot someone easy once they see that the zombies attention is focused on someone. Anyway, if you want to make zombies more of a threat, it has to be something like his rather than increasing damage to 1-2 hit kill, but I sort of agree with you to some extent, because in the mod, right now it takes about 20-30 hits for a zombie to kill, whether you bleed, or break a leg, it's still about 20-30 hits for zombie to kill when it needs to reduced to about 10. Maybe a bit more/less, but I think 10 is a good starting point, especially so players can get used to it. 10 does sound quite a bit, but they can grab you for other zombies to attack, and can be as fatal as breaking your legs.
  13. Music sorta fits but that would be copyright. Also rocket needs to add some blood on the walls. Not every zombie attack is going to happen outside because your wife said that it would dirty the carpet. Also there needs to be blood on the outside too. The game just needs to look a tad more appocalyptic.
  14. Bombolz (DayZ)

    New idea : Tree House

    I've suggested this before, but I think it's good that you managed to get some people's attention.
  15. Bombolz (DayZ)

    Third person and first person - you decide

    Well I've left the poll open for several days now, and it seems the public has spoken, 3rd person is favorite choice, by a vast amount. Thank you for your time people!