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About Armadyl

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. First of all..the m4 doesn't have any varients like many foreign guns u see, unlike some, it is patened and made almost entitely in america, secontly..i thought the UN was cooperating with the US government to end the insurgency caused by the Chernarus Military in ARMA 2...i didn't think they were involved with NATO...Maybe i heard that wrong though..didn't play much of tge campaign mode.
  2. but seriously..why do they have such an enormous stockpole of m4s in the military base..i just would not expect them to use them to such a scale, if any in their military( being its a very tiny, and imaginary country with little resources in east europe) i guess i just dont imagine them having them...
  3. Sorry about the confusion i had when saying the us military doesnt use the m4...The information i had was From Rifle Evaluation Study, United States Army, Combat Development Command, ADA046961, that took place 20 Dec 1962..it was a statistical survey comparing qualities of seporate rifles, and listing acceptible and unacceptable qualities of each...I was using this study as a basis for this assumption and apoligise for my innaccuracy in this circumstanse.
  4. Lets face it, eastern European countries in the vicinity of former Yugoslavia (Such as the Czech republic, which the map of Chernarus was designed from, via aerial and topographical views of the region) do not use American guns. The United States government does not even use the M4, as it does not conform to military standards of specifications. I would expect a east European such as this military's to include later pattern AK styled assault weapon variants, such as the AK-103 or AK-107 variants to be used in the military... but an m4? don't get me wrong the m4 is an effective, and at time prolific weapon, but it has no place in the middle of east Europe, bordering the Balkans...Especially not as a spawn in military bases.
  5. Armadyl

    Does DAYZ standalone use battleye?

    alright, thanks for clearifying that...i'm glad if they are using a better system now
  6. hey i played a while back, while on one of the dayz island servers (i forget which one) a couple years ago...and realized battleye made quite a few mistakes...i had seen throughout the dayz mod battleye did little to stop hackers from flooding the servers (one of them spawned weapons and force everyone to fight eachother) it was a huge mess... and a serious problem with dayz mod... Iask if dayz standalone also uses battleye, or if it has it's own antihack system, because battleye seemed to be largely uneffective at stopping hackers inthe mod, and im wondering if this will be an inevitability in the full version.
  7. Armadyl

    Reduced AKM/AK74 spawn, replace with SKS

    and different types of sks would be neat...like for example the yugo sks that has a spigot type grenade launcher on it with grenade laucnher sights and flash suppressor..
  8. Armadyl

    Reduced AKM/AK74 spawn, replace with SKS

    allthough i have heard of reliability problems for clips over 20
  9. Armadyl

    Reduced AKM/AK74 spawn, replace with SKS

    also the sks is not neccisarily limited to a 10 round clip..there are 20, 30 and even 40 round clips u can buy for it..
  10. Armadyl

    Reduced AKM/AK74 spawn, replace with SKS

    I hope you guys realize that the sks uses the same round as the AK-47 (7.62x39 .310 diameter) and is actually significantly longer range (440 yards compared to 300-380 of an ak) It should not be underpowered like some suggest because it would realisticly pose as a significant advantage at longer range.
  11. Armadyl

    Problems with loading character

    i still have problem by the way
  12. Armadyl

    Problems with loading character

    original i think....
  13. Armadyl

    Problems with loading character

    Btw im on a loading screen right now...ive been trying to play for the last 2 hours but...the screen just wont load