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danson (DayZ)

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About danson (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. xpost from my reddit reply: This server is amazing, I have been playing here exclusively for the past month or two. The servers have alot of activity and there is normally quite a bit of activity in teamspeak for people grouping up. Hacking rarely happens, the load times are blazing fast compared to any other server i have been on, and the server is heavily moderated. Ive kept kits for DAYS on this server even playing on nights with 40+ people online. 60 vehicles means noone really hordes vehicles, and everyone has a chance to get in a car and be mobile on the map.. So much so that you can camp busy highways/fueling stations and hijack cars quite often (its great!) 3 hueys, no one clan has control over the map, and if you really want a chopper you can get one with a bit of hard work! I play under the name danson/hodor, hop in teamspeak and we can go racketeering together! Bottom line is you need to try this server, it has made DayZ playable for me and my friends, and not just some mindless shootout in cherno/elektro because you feel you are going to lose all your shit anyways.