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Everything posted by Jolmer

  1. Jolmer

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    I am failing to see Chicago 10 on the list of servers through Six Launcer. Oh no!
  2. So I notice a lot of people have been complaining about the removal of side chat. I've been reading a few interviews with Rocket where he talks about how he want's the people to have to talk to each other using the Direct Channel, and to really immerse themselves in having to communicate face to face with the unknown. Ive been playing on a hardcore server with this enabled lately and have had two of the most gripping experiences ever because of this. True emergent gameplay moments that really stuck with me. The first was pretty nice actually. A friend and me running through the woods and we happen upon a camp with 4 tents. He has a DMR so he scopes in and sees a dude sitting by a tent and an obvious friend of his running off into the woods to the north. Now we like to play as survivors and we try not to kill people unless we have to so he was all "Hey let me just pop this guy its too risky". I was like "Hell no his buddy is real close and will come back and besides that makes us worse than bandits to do it just because were scared." So I had him keep his scope on the guy and I proned real close and queued up my direct chat mic. "Hey buddy!" I say. He starts to panic and goes to run off and my friend tells me this through our Ventrilo. So I say "Now don't go running off I got a friend in the hills with a sniper on you." He stops dead in his tracks. Like dead. Doesnt move at all. So I say "Now we don't like to kill people but we will if we have to. Can you talk?" All of a sudden his mic breaks in and hes like "Hey man yeah were cool dont shoot me man, were cool." So I say, "Allright Im coming through the trees to meet you. No funny business or my friend on the hill will brain you." Just then I had a thought. What if he doesnt believe me? What if he thinks im lying about my friend on the hill? What if hell kill me the minute I go through those trees? Can I trust him? I figured my friend would just get all the loot from two corpses and the tents so I put my gun on full auto and walked through with it lowered. We ended up having a nice chat. My friend came down and we all got along pretty well. He let us grab a few supplies and we were on our way. The moral of the story is, this is great stuff. That was such an intense moment deciding what to do there. We could have killed him and went on looting everything he had. He had a 24 slot bag on him and me and my friend only had 20's for example. We took the high road, talked it out and ended up making a buddy in the process. With side chat things like this simply arent as easy to come by. You've all see the CHkillroy videos im sure by now and the confrontations and talks he has with people really make that experience. I assume this is what Rocket wants. And there are the kinds of things you can look forward to using the Direct Channel. It really just makes the game better. Another experience I had was maybe 30 minutes after this in Vybor. Me and me buddies like to head there because of the high yield school building right next to the grocers. So after looting the store were almost done in the school. Were on the balcony near the ladder to get to the roof when all of a sudden I hear a soda can crack open. Im like "SHIT someone else is around here!" to my friend on ventrilo. Hes on the roof you can tell. Must have logged in there like a lot of server hoppers do. We retreat to a room on the third floor and point our guns to the door. Now this having been only 30 minutes after meeting that other guy I decide to try and talk this out again. So I say "Hey buddy, I heard you crack that soda can up there. Theres two of us down here and were friendly but I dont feel comfortable leaving town right now known youre up there. It would make me feel better to meet you face to face before deciding what to do next." Silence. We hear a little shuffling on the roof. I try talking again. We spend like 5 tense minutes or so in that room staring at the door before it becomes clear this guy doesnt want to talk. Im getting worried. Im telling my friend in ventrilo I dont know what to do. I dont want to just rush out the door and blast the guy because who knows what he has. I dont want to risk my friends life just because I THINK this guy might be hostile. Right as im thinking all this we hear a loud gunshot. I mean loud. Lee Enfield loud. My friend goes down, a fountain of blood coming from him. Then I hear the footsteps. This guy is right in the doorway. He didn't believe me when I said there were two of us! I put an entire mag of M4A1 into him and dont stop until I hear the flies. Then I rush to my friend and go to bandage him because hes bleeding bad. In our ventrilo hes like "600, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100, oh shit it stopped." I saved his life with literally 100 blood left. I jam all the meat and cans of food I have in his pack, and he eats up getting his blood to a meager 3000. We loot the corpse and take his side arm and ammo, food, hes got bandages and medicine but only an enfield. It becomes obvious to me he was a server hopping bandit who had just logged on for the first time in the day. My point again is that direct communication makes this game so much better. Instead of being like "Whos in Vybor?" in a side global chat channel we need to face check, risk our lives to get what we need and somtimes we make friends other times we nearly get killed but it makes the game so much better. So much better. I am hoping this emergent gameplay is only expedited by future design decisions and gameplay features. I wouldnt mind you guys sharing your experiences here with talking to other players. It might give Rocket some insight on how the decision to remove side chat has had some positive benefits to some of us.
  3. Like I said before when there are more end game goals and things that bring people together coupled with this face to face talking youll get some real teamwork going. Not just groups of european bandits hiding in their tent cities dipping down into cities to kill anyone they see.
  4. It makes the game more interesting. The whole kill or be killed aspect is still there and sure some asshole might just kill you on sight but I feel like if more of us just tried to talk for a second things might be better for the community as a whole.
  5. You just need to not try it alone. If you are alone and run into someone in the woods it might be a good idea to avoid them. Right now its all about gear and loot and people are super protective of it. When other goals are implemented as Rocket has talked about.... more team based end game stuff people will come together I am sure. It would be sick to be able to clear a town and provide services to survivors etc. Who knows where the game can go when people try to communicate a little.
  6. I made the choice to try and communicate with people both those times instead of just going brain dead and shooting on sight like the majority of cowards enjoy doing. It works sometimes. Others it doesnt.
  7. Jolmer

    The Dayz Dichotomy.

    Those game modes compliment eachother. The groups of people make the game more immersive for the other players.
  8. Id like zombies to be a little harder than they were but I generally agree with the OP. Make zombies a threat without the game being super punishing to everyone. Make it hard if you make lots of noise and make mistakes. Make it maybe necessary to try and band together with players without being stupidly hard to be alone. etc etc. Dont make it easy. Make it fun.
  9. The fact of the matter is when it comes to the darkness the night is totally and unbearably unrealistic. You can see at night. People can see at night. In the pitch black you can see a little bit around you. Unless there are crazy amounts of cloud cover and you are in the middle of the forest, most people would be able to make their way around at night. Before this nerf there were nights with a full moon that were nice. You could sorta see in the distance but not exactly and you could make your way around a dark forest with a chem light or something. This game is about realism? Realistically the night time is not this dark. If you say it is I wouldnt want to live where you do.
  10. Jolmer


    If you think that this idiot has done nothing but contribute to the problem, please stay and complain about it here just to show him what acting like this does to people.
  11. Jolmer

    1.7.1 in 20 words or less

    These changes are great. Just attempt to balance them. Cant have zombie swarms coming in from nowhere. Have a good day.
  12. He said the respawns are bugged already in another topic. I dont know how they intend to balance the sight range if they do at all.
  13. Jolmer

    1.7.1 Deer Stands, Spawns & Zombies

    Thanks for the update on that. Appreciated.
  14. Jolmer

    1.7.1 Deer Stands, Spawns & Zombies

    Having them not zig zag would be an entirely realistic decision. Since this mod is about realism after all. Confirmed spawns are borked though. Attempted to go towards a deer stand and I was happily greeted by over 10 zombies, while I was prone about 40m from the stand. Like I said I remember a patch a few weeks back that did the same thing with the zombie respawns.
  15. Its certainly unrealistic.
  16. Jolmer

    My Issues with the 1.7.1 Changes

    I think everyone would appreciate it if you take your talk of Call of Duty and Battlefield to some other forum. Speaking of it here is like unleashing a rather unpleasant fart at a pristine 5 star restaurant table surrounded by your friends and loved ones. Analogies aside cut the crap. Call of Duty has nothing to do with this game. There are problems with this patch that are being noted in the troubleshooting forum such as zombies phasing through walls and hitting you through them still, zombies spawning within 30m when they shouldnt be able to, and infinite and noticeable respawns. So if you want to play right now and enjoy whats good about the patch I suggest you hold on to your butts and to the people who havent played it but are praising the patch and accusing others of being "COD Kidz" Id politely ask you to stop contributing to the problem.
  17. Jolmer

    1.7.1 Deer Stands, Spawns & Zombies

    Them coming after you is fine but you should be able to eliminate the threat in an area without constant and noticeable respawns. It just isn't that gosh darned realistic is it?
  18. Jolmer

    My Issues with the 1.7.1 Changes

    You either play the game the way Rocket wants you to play it or you dont play. I hated not being able to tell bandits from us good guys but I still played. Itll be fine junior just keep a chin up and find a gun. Quick.
  19. Jolmer

    1.7.1 Deer Stands, Spawns & Zombies

    Sounds like a hot fix might be in order. I remember a patch a few weeks back that caused a similar issue with zombie respawns.
  20. Jolmer

    My Issues with the 1.7.1 Changes

    Im sure it will get toned down if its too crazy, even for the more hardcore of you. You poor souls are the testers. The patch just came out. Dont play if youre scared of it.
  21. Its going to be a bit before were in any shape to do this regularly. We like a certain part of the map where one cant get certain things. But we have tons of food/utility equipment/firepower at our disposal. Add Jolmer7 on steam if you want to talk about this stuff. Im not sure I can say wed like to partner with people like you but I dont mind talking about it.
  22. I hope more things like this pop up in the future. Me and a small group are going to do the same thing but on a more client based system. One where deals are worked out in advance and we meet the clients and designated locations to trade.