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Everything posted by nekoboi_sam

  1. I run a server with HFB for my clan. I am currently trying to install buildable bases but when i scroll i don't get the build menu (when i am holding building materials). I tried editing the code in ever dayz_server.pbo file i could find to make sure i wasn't using the wrong one but none of them are working. I have even messaged the creator for help but i haven't heard back. Please help if you can
  2. nekoboi_sam

    Buildable Bases help?

    Idk, all i know is the base building instructions say to install the scripts to your dayz_1.WORLD.pbo and dayz_server.pbo. and i did all the scripting right for the dayz world files and there is one 1 for each world. and i have like 5 different server.pbo
  3. I rented from hfb last year, did the basic package. Every time a hacker came into the server and put all the vehicles in the ocean they would reset the server in a matter of minutes. I decided to rent from them again. The only package they have now is the ultimate which is really cheap compared to before. Well first off it's been 6 days and they didn't install my HFB hive/mapper tool, and 2 days ago my server broke to the point pressing the start button will only load the page for 2 minutes and do nothing. I sent a ticket in immediately and haven't gotten a response in 2 days. and i also sent a ticket about the mapper tool 4 days again and haven't heard a single word from them. I am about ready to cancel my service and demand a refund for false advertising of "24/7 customer service and tech support". It's frustrating having a server for your clan, they leave for the weekend to do some shit, hoping i will have it ready when they come back sunday, only to hear that HFB hasn't responded to any of my tickets.
  4. E.F.S. and The Heroes Of Chernarus are recruiting! Join our server at US 3359 or our team speak at and talk to Nekoboi_Sam or sober about a role in the group. ((E.F.S. and HoC are the same caln)) We are a clan of heroes! Aiming to rid Chernarus of all bandits! Why stay awake at night scared a bandit might come and kill you in your sleep when you already have to fear the zombies? Heroes of Chernarus and the Elite Feline Soldiers are here to help! We are recruiting EVERYONE. You can be a noob or even a hero! We need recon, spec ops, medics, co-pilots, secondary leaders. we need 'em all.
  5. nekoboi_sam

    E.F.S. and The Heroes Of Chernarus

    Does E.F.S. = Elite Feline Soldiers? :P I founded E.F.S. a few years ago. xD
  6. I was playing Dayz on my server. A hacker comes into the server and starts killing everyone. I log out and stop the server (i don't have name plates so i can't kick him) and when i come to log back in i get a missing file error and global banned. I am heavy on Anti-Hacking and would never even attempt it. Please help. It was global ban #30** forgot the last 2 numbers Posted in wrong spot