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Everything posted by Viaticus

  1. Viaticus

    Question about tents

    id say play this mod without setting camps.. have a vehicle to get around, not to store inventory. i gave it one shot and set a tent with some goods in it on a server and after restart none of my stuff was there. hopefully stand-alone with bring the aspect of being able to have camps/inventory to the game without fault.
  2. so when i spawn at Kamenka & Quarry i can choose it! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seppuku
  3. im on my 3rd survivor. ive been playing for around a week now. after finally getting myself a good foundation on supplys, tools, weapons, ammo and food i set out and jogged it to the airfield in hopes of finding better firearms. i was lucky and found an AK-74 Kobra in a fire house off the bat and scavenged 8 mags for it. once at the airfield, i didnt find much of anything. i logged out in one of the surrounding forrests near the airfield to go do some RL stuff. logged back on at electro, with my 3 day charactor, with none of my gear. WTF. and its not the first time i logged back in and was tele'd to one of the starter spawns. with this charactor and the supplys i was finding i was hoping to get a tent going on a server, but after reading all the complaints on stuff not saving, whats the point. whats the point to even keep playing this mod? please change my mind. no sympathy asked for, im just frustrated with how this works. im sure many of you are also. im pumped for the stand-alone, and will def be getting it. i just hope that dosnt go south, as well. if anyone can refer me to some good servers that youve been playing on with no poblems (no problems with charactors, hackers, logins, your camps, ect..) it'd be greatly appreciated. im anti-hack, and friendly. unless im given a reason not to be.
  4. that sounds like fun, none of my friends play this becasue they think consoles are good(LOL) and i have yet to meet anyone "friendly" to squad up with and loot/get vehicles goin/do whatevs. id like to though. you should post, it sounds like a good gunfight.
  5. damn, haha. i have yet to find me a pair of nv's. im still searching.
  6. its not the fact of dying, im content with that, becasue its my fault/bad choice/whatever,lol. its the fact that im still alive but nowhere where i left off with none of my gear. (probably 45 mins after posting this thread i spawned on the coast with my gear,was happy, then i died pvp, and thats ok with me. was a good gunfight!!)
  7. yea i got my gear back a few servers later, not location though... its whatevs.
  8. how would i go about doing this? and thanks for the tip..
  9. i joined one of the laggest servers ive ever seen on a game last night.. i guess it restarted, i got kicked. today i log in and im spawned in wilderness.. i still have all my gear. its somewhere on the coast.. i know that..
  10. when in first person, my dudes shaking all over the place, and i cant aim. im all in green aswell..
  11. what happens? does your dude just keel over and say YOU ARE DEAD? I was on my way to electro to loot, on my way over a moutain, i fell and broke my leg and was bleeding out with already low blood. i awoke in time to bandage up and fix the leg before i died. with really low blood, and a bunch of raw meat i hugged a tree for dear life and started making a fire. right when i went to lite the fire to cook the meat and regain my blood level, i keel over. WTF. my blood wasnt even blinking, it was red, but not death red. the leg was fixed. i was about to enjoy a few steaks. then, death. there was also another white indicator above the broken leg indicator. im not sure what this was. but it seamed like it made my survivor(dead survivor) go deaf. im wondering if i got sniped, but i highly doupt it. i found alot of decent loot/weapons in the last 2 hours of life. im pissed. one fun fact about this... i get to start all over again tomorrow. then get hacked in the future. if thats even what happened. WTFBBQ.
  12. Didnt have any on me, used up the last Box probably a half hour before.
  13. @puppet I had probally 8-9000bp and then fell. The fall broke my leg and caused bleeding, not a gun shot. Fixed both and then went to make the fire. But Yea I could of got shot then. Or Maby it was shock, who knows..
  14. Thank you all for the info. This was my 3rd survivor. I just started playing 3 days ago. Seems I play untill i die lol. We'll see how tomorrow goes.
  15. Viaticus

    Why am i shaking? (fps)

    ill try that out! thanks!
  16. Viaticus

    The best way to launch DayZ?..(help)

    i have DZC on my pc already.. its seems like an awsome program for this mod. i have 1 problem though.. i purchased arma through steam. when in DZC i updated DayZ to up-to-date. when i try to update arma it says "not found" next to arma2 and fails when i try updating.. can anyone help me with this?
  17. Viaticus

    The best way to launch DayZ?..(help)

    Ive just started playing DayZ yesterday... and this is fun ass hell. i picked up arma last week and played that for awhile to get the feel for controls... and the base game is awsome itself. i purchased arma2 & OA expansion from Steam. ive been launching OA from steam and joining DayZ servers from there. visiting this site i see Dayz Commander and that other option i cant remember(lol). when serching servers on OA alot of them are verson 1.62.96 wile the ones i can join are 1.62.95, even then when i get into a server some say im running a wrong verson, right when the game should boot for you to play. ive tried commander and updated DayZ on that, but when i try to update arma2:OA on commander it fails to update and i dont know why, do you? this is where i installed DayZ from.. http://se1.dayz.nu/latest/ if anyone can help, thanks in advance! also (like i said im new to this game) is it possible to bookmark servers through OA? and if how...
  18. Viaticus

    Blood Level..

    is the only way to regain blood level when lonewolf by eating food? also the "stat" box that im seeing in everyones videos isnt on my screen, ive tried options.. help?
  19. Viaticus

    Blood Level..
